Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1364

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- INDEX. · clxxvu 3 S•mdr• Civil Expenses Aions-Con. Pm-Supremz Court, D. C'.—Continucd. ’ Pm-

 · for   Pti¤ti  . . 381, 1020 pip ropriation for printing and binding. 384, 1023

l- for pubho pnntx and mding ... 382, 1021 egciency appropriation for bailifs, etc.. 918

 for sthmum Gs  _  384 , 1024 for miscellaneous expenses . 918

National Academy of Sciences to report for wilgug {qq; _____ _ _______ L __________ gm plan for consolidating scientific sur- copyright actions, etc., izablein ... 1(B4 WW, klwmtones, etc- 387 Supreme Court of the Unszylsmm, sums appropriated to be in full for ssl- appropriation for Chief md associate jus- _ ¤¤8¤ ---. _ . : 1 387, 1026 tices 242, 905 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. . , , __,__ 388 _ for mgrghgl ______________________ _ ____ 242, Q5 Internatromnl Irrigation Congress, Albu- for clerks to justices .,,..,._,,_,_______ 242,945 querque, N- MGI ·...---·-.. . .. 391 for bracket for bust of Chief Justice monument to Thomas Jefferson at Ssint Waite ..,__,_______________ 344 Louis in commemoration of louisi- for steel fixtures, conference mom for. . . 984 MI . 1026 for printing and bindi .,.,. 384, 1023 recommeudetxons to be made by President deficiency appropriatiorillor printing and if for appropriations ox- binding ,.,,...,___,___,_,,,,,,.,.. 617 _ qoed estimated revenue ... Q 1027 advancement to be moved in, of Choctaw d1sbursing_c1srks may designate clerk to casa Fleming 1:. McCurtnin . 807 act nn case of sickness or unavoid- appeals and writs of error from supreme _ pple absence .. 1027 c0urt Hawaii to , 839 b2b1I1W under bond, etc ... ,-.-. 1,027 habeas corpus appeals from decisions by bond to dxsbursing clerk . . .. 1027 United States courts in detentions no public moneys to be used for commis- by Bute courts restricted .. 40 _ mom not crested by law. .. 1027 review of decisions of, circuit courts of apdetnnm from_depm·tments to unauthorized penis in customs cases .. 405 commxmions forbidden .. ‘ 1027 to prescribe practice and procedure under . · unexpeuded balances ou the Tmssury ccopyriqknt law , 1082 books July 1, 1904, to be covered Supreme our: sports, into the Treasury ..,... 1027 appropriation for purchase of 350, 989 exceptions; permanent specific appro- Surgeon·Gmcral, Argg, priations, etc .. 1027 ‘ to be chief of the edical Department 66 amounts to pay existing contacts, , , , 1027 rank, pay, and allowances ...,. 66 permanent appropriations not deemed such Surgeon-Gmerah Opin, War Department, nmles expressly made available appropriation for medical muneumimd liuntil expended . .. 1027 bmry ... 123, 748 Superior Bay, Lake Su, for clerks etc ... . 215,879 gpprupriation for channels in- . . 334, 972 for rent, dispensaqi .. 216, 880 Superior, Wis., Surgeons, Army (aes odical Department,

 examination of harbor, to be Army).

e .._______,,,_,,______ 828 Surgery, ' my-ms of court at _____,,,,_ , .,,,,.. 647 licenses recgiired for practice of, in Alaska; Superman'Architect, Tranury Depamnmc, regu tions, etc 603 appmpgtigu for, assistant, superintsud- Survey of lVo]·them and Northwestern Lakes, sms, etc ,_____,_,,.,..,.. 200, 648 appropriation for .. 367, 1006 for dmftsmen, engineers, etc- .. • 201 i Su.rveyin¥APublw Lands (su also Public for skilled employees on public build- 1 nds), ings, plans, etc . ... 960 appropriation for; rates . 347, 986 furniture for new public buildings to be . preferences, occupied townsms 347,986 s proved by . . 327 allowances, heavily txmbe , etc., Supphha Buxnhon Post-Ojico Department, lands . ,_.., _ ... 347,986 appropriation lor superiuten cnt, assist- exim rates, Lslifomm, etc , . 347, 987 ant., clerks, etc .. . ..., 234,897 for resurveys, mineral, etc;, locations. . 348, 987 (0,- mnt ,______ _ _________ , ,,_.,,_______ 406 metal monuments for survey corners. 348, 987 Supplm, Postal Service, l for abandoned military reservations,. . 348, 987 up ropfiatinn for . . . 416, 669for certain counties in Utah ... , . . 348, 987 lor expenses shipment of . 417,669 I for completmificld notes, etc., Minneior installin building for -.. 417 _ som, Sout Dakota, sud Flonda.. 343,987 Supplies, UnitedStates Courts, North pslrotp. and Louisiana. . , , ._ 987 appropriation for ... . . . 377, 1015 for, withm lxnuts of Fort Keogh Military deficiency a ropristion for . 22, 509, 929,943 Reservation, Mont . _ 348 Supply Depogpport Mason, Cal., Army Gen- , for noundsry between Idaho and Wash- 348 eral mgton. .._. .. .- construction to commence pending pro- deficiency appropriation for ... 29, ceedings to condemn land .. . , . . 500 ; _ 32, 517, 519, 942, 945 "Supply," U. S. S., for certain deputy Q\l.l'V€3'01S-..: ...,,, ¤06,926 appropriation for repairs ... ·769punishment for miurnng, estrcymg, etc., Supreme Court, D. C., _ seqtwn marks, etc ·--·-.-·.---· 1099 gp rp rigtiou for gala;-leg ___,,,._,_, 243,906 h;Hden§_ gm,, surveyors ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,. 1099 lor Fees of witnesses .. 301, 717 resurveys lowed to properlv ms.;-k boundjurors .,__ _ _____________,.. . ...,.,, 30]., 717 aries of undispoeed of public lands. 845 for pay crm11i5s ____,,_,_,.., 301, 717 nous tide rights not impaired .. 84,; fg; miscellaneous expenses ,,_,,,__,,_ 301, 717 j limp; of appmprmtron for ,,,.._,_,,_, , , _ 84;;