Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1356

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§ 5 . INDEX. clxix S¢mll¢,_ _ P¤:¤- Shetucket River, Conn., FQ0- classxticamon and salary of consulate ... 101 hprclimimuy examination of, to be made-.- 824 Sewers, D._ C':, S ibh National Military Park, Term., sptproprumon for crcaning and repairing. 285, 700 appropriation for continuing establishment or purpping stgtnon ... 285, 700 _ of ,. - ,,.,. 366, 1005 for mam and p1po, ctc ... 285, 700 Shzp Canal, {0I' Bpblubm, Conduit road ... 285, 700 tame extended for constructing, from Lake for nghts of way , - 285, 700 Washington to Ppget; Sound .. . . 613 for eastsideinterceptiu .t0Br0okland. 285, 700 Ship Canal, Saint M alla, for outlet, for Con§ress§Ieights . 285 acquirement of lzuqlbetwcon, and Canafo1‘ Fourth street E., relief ‘ ... 285 , 700 diau bounds .., , ,,,_,.,,___ 820 for Piney Branch valley trunk .. 700 survey directed forrglli basin .. 820 deficiency appropriation or rights of way . 13, Ship, Steamboat, and Wayniettaa, 495, 915 qppmpriatiou for .. . .. 415, 668 for cleaning and repairing ... 13 Sheppinlg, Sewickley, Pa., · comp emcut of officcrs and crow required construction authorized of public building for steam vessels ...,._,,,,__ _ _ 55 at . 527 foreign vessels permitted to trade between deficiency appropriation for . . ... 484 Philippine Islands and United appropriation for .. 957 States .,..,.. , 70 Shack me, Wiliam S., offenses committed on the high seas, etc., may bgmsgppointod hospital steward, re— _ and punishment therefor .. 1145 Sha Hu P , Navy 58 pumshmcrgg. for f<g·ging,(;tc.,_¢;}1;5>’s papers. mo n, a., . · slung g;0 emo . ,.,_ construction authorized of public building 27 sab _0£mu.rlms, etc., to natives of Pacific 8 at . 5 is s. . . 114 deficiency appropriation for 484 punswgqr veqels mqking triwcckly, ctc., S appropriation for .. . . - - 957 f¢¥'6lg!\ port! exempt from `hanghqi, . _ on _,ec., ees ... 424 up riation for expenses United States pnvatq code signals, flags, funuels, etc., · pmpcourt for China ... 178, 679 Illlly ltglsféltd by ship Qwncr; for rison expenses .. 181, 682 coud1tmmg._ I _ . . I ... 426 clamigcation and salary or consulstagcn- slave trade prcvnsxons u1 Cnmmal Code. - . 1138 gm] __,,,_____,,,,,,,_..,,._ 101 stccrugo requuomentp on pasepger vessels judicial functions to be perfumed by from orto countries . -.- 583 vice-consul-general instead of cou- _ ¢q¤¢1g11¤uS f§lT|t0i'Y excepted ... .. 583 subgenenl . 679 Shrppmy Qoqnmwwmrs, _ vice—c0nsul—generaI to be designated by SPWHBUOD for office expenses . .. $43,983 Secretary of State ... 679 Shop! _ uperu, _ shanghqimy, pumshment for forgmg, etc. , 1101 punishment for; offenses described ... . 1103 Shepwreckqd 4merwan_Sea1nejn, ew., _ _ Sharon, Pa., appreprumou for l1fe—saving tcsumomglg. appropriation for public building . . . . . 957 mgcuing . 2 .. _ ., r 175, 676 Shaw H A_ for relmf, etc., of, III formgu countrnes, payrmelprgéo. ... . 932 Alaska, island possessions, etc 181, 682 Sheepscnt R321ark JQ, f b rd dvicicpcixizgplppdution for relief and pm. 942 nz across cove o , ·. ~ . bndgeoornbg . .44 Shooting Ifavggoa, cm, Army, Shccpshead Bay, N. K, _ appropnutnop for. ._ .. . 121, 747 preliminary examination of, to be made... 829 _0rt Snollmg, Mum ... . ... I?2 Shgfkld, [crt Dos 1\·iom<·¤~, Iowa . .,, 132 c ussification and salary of consulate .. 101 Port Leavenworth. Kgnn . .. 747 Shelby County, Tex., _ I Fort D. A. Runzoll. Wyo . . 747 mmaierred from Tyler to Beauxpont dnvn- Fort Douglas, Luxh., ,, _, , , ,47 sion, eastern judicial distnct ._ 34 Shoshone [ndum I{e.m·ra¢wn (age also Wmd Shelbyville, Tenn., Kwgr Indum Pyeservsmon. \\ yo.), aceiuiring site for public building at, au-uppmprluhon fqr [ndqm school ..,___,___ 97,814 thorizcd _.,,.,_ . _,_,__,,_,_,_,,_ _ 533 I or expenses, rmgatxon system ..,.. 97, 815 dcficicnc appropriation for . . . 489 { _ leases perm!tted_ . ... 97 Shenandoah, X>wa,h d f br b ld_ l¤1¤€l¤;n•’;:1!;1;1 ln. time extended for final 650 ‘ 'ze o u IC u1 1 : ’ -·—--- — ----------·-------- °°“°‘“2.$Y‘$‘f TY ff'} .. F ... `T? Egg . Smm rngwn? mp., rt ( f 97 Su ‘ riation for . . . 4 { appropna mn or suppo . e c., 0 -.- , §’§f$S$‘§,';?3fiZ’§’}`[§TF .. . . sm V Sh gr féxguing r¤>=¤>· wirh ... .- vs. 815 rave, 1 num, She?-hzgigilirfotion and salary of consulate . . 101 g audit directed of claims of heirs of, de— Sheridan, General Philip H., _ _ ] structxon of Lorthem Liberty Mu. appreprimicn for expenses unvenhng wwe Z O ket, D. C ..». 1060 Of, gu; ______________ _ __________ _,_ 356 g Uhrgpgggrfy Lg? Sheridan, Wyo., _ _ _ { pub IC bmldxpg, to be talgexrdowu md new _ appropriapion for public bmlding . . . . 957 • one burlt on que. lnmxtz of cost. . . :>41 Sherman Institute, Riverside, Cal., ‘ opemspnoe reqfuxremont reduced. cx- i appropriation for Iudxan school .. 77, 787 pendnures or _19Q9 . . . a-11 dgiimencv appropnsmon for . . . 490 Sherman, Tez., _ . · . terms of <·¤¤¤ at ----·----·--- - ---·----- v0 ¤1>1>¤>r>¤¤¤<>¤ f<¤ ------ - ---------··--- 957