Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1131

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1114 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. rr. Ch. 2.21. 1909. ologfgfg gg? Sec. 140. Whoever shall knowingly and willfully obstruct, resist, 10% S-. sec. 5398. ri 0; oppose any officer of the United States, or other person duly au- ‘ t orrzed in serving or attempting to serve or execute any mesne process dr warrant, br any rule or order, or any other leglalor udicial writ or process of any court of the United States, or nrte States commissioner, or shall assault, beat, or wound any officer or other person duly authorized, knowing him to be such officer, or other person so duly authorized, in serving or executing any such wrrt, rule, order, pgocess, warrapt, or}-pthei egg} pir giudlrcral wrlrt or process, P*¤¤*¤¤¤¤°¤“°*· shall be fine not more t an t ree un re dollars an imprisone not more than one year.

 Pd; Sec. 141. Whoever shall rescue or attempt to rescue, from the cusgdn from arrestgpe tody of any officer or person lawfully assisting him, any person arrested upon a warrant or other process issue under the provisions

of any law of the United States, or shall, drrectz or rndrrectly, ard, abet, or assist any person so arrested to escape om the custody of such officer or other person, or shall harbor or conceal any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been o issued, so as to prevent his discovery and arrest, after notice or knowledge of the fact that a warrant or process has been rssued for the alpprehensronof such person, P¤¤*¤bm°“* *°'· shall be fined not mgre than olpe thousan ollars, or imprisoned not more than six mont s or bot . £“° “* “°°“‘ Sec. 142. Whoever,} by force, shall set at liberty or rescue any 1:. s., see. wu, p. person found guilty in any court of the United States of any capital 1°{{;,,m,,,,€,,m,,_ crime, while going to execution or during execution, shall be ned not more than twenty-five thousand dollars and imprisoned not more f dm than twenty-five years. _ gégjegecr mgfg Sec. 143. Whoever, by force, shall set at lrberty or rescue any person ma. who, before conviction, stands committed for any capital crrme; or whoever, by force, shall set at liberty or rescue any person committed

  • ’¤¤*='*¤*°¤° *°’- for or convicted of any offense other tharrcapita , shall be iined not ·

more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not more than one year. R¤¤*¤¤°*<*¤=dY>°°Y Sec. 144. Whoever by force shall rescue or attem t to rescue of executed offender. ’ ’ . rr. s., sec. moz, p. from the custody of an marshal or hrs officers the diaad body of ’°‘“· an executed offender, while it is being conveyed to a place of dissection, as provided by sectron three hundred and thirty-one hereof, or by force shall rescue or attempt to rescue such body from the place where it has been deposited for dissection in pursuance of that sec- P·¤¤i¤¤¤¤··=¤¤f·¤- tion, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

 ‘*   ·.£’;?Za‘i‘.5s..lV.$‘.§1°}’.$‘£..’l’2.1‘}};g“I.`§.'ii..‘§.“Ef.‘§f$.{3.€i€f°.I'2}“g’ Ore wr

re. wc. sm, p. S1 o . , _ a ro any awo _ e “’“· United States, demand or recerve any money or other valuable thing, Punishmentfor- shall bp] fined not more iihsnl two thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more t an one year or t . "f“f’f’i°*°{}f’§,*°*°“’; Sec. 146. Whocver, having knowledge of the actual commission R S, se. 390, p , , 1044. of the crime of murder or other felony cogmzable by the courts of the United kStle;tes, colnceals and does not gs lsoon as may be disclose and ma e nownt e same to some one o the judges or other persons _ in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined Y¤¤*=*”¤°¤”°*· _ not more than five hundred dollars, or rmprisoned not more than three years, or both.