Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1076

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 303, 304. 1909. 1059 located and doing business in the District of Columbia shall make to the Comptroller of the Currency at least one re ort during each year, according to the form which may be prescribed by him, verified by the oath or afiirmation of the president or secretary of such association and °‘°hj °l°‘ _ attested by the signature of at least three of the directors. The said s0{€§},‘{fl§f§?"· ‘f l“' Comptroller shall also have power to take possession of any company or association whenever in his judgment it is insolvent or is knowmgly violating the laws under which such company is incorporated, and to liquidate the same in the manner provided in the laws of the United States in respect to national banks: Provided further, That from and Restriction. after the first day of July, anno Domini nineteen hundred and nine, no person, company, association, copartnership, or corporation shall conduct or carry on in the District of Columbia the kind of business named in this Act, without strict compliance in all particulars with E 1 H , the provisions of this Act: Provided, That building associations here- tion? rfeeanriofsigcriii tofore organized and in actual o eration before the passage of this °°"’°""‘°°· _ Act need not be incorporated. Any person, officer, or agent of any ,,,}:“““Y ’°' “°l"` company, firm, or corporation who shall willful] violate any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty ofy a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not longer than two years, or by _ both said punishments, in the discretion of the court. That any willful P°"’“"· ""°· false swearing1in regard to any certificate, or report, or public notice required by the provisions of this Act shall be perjury, and shall be punished as such according to the laws of the istrict of Columbia. _ And any misappropriation of any of the money of any corporation ,ul’f,§Q{,%g;,fQ;}f;*§Qg or company, formed under or availing itself of the privileges of this wry- Act, or of any building or loan association located or doing business in the District of Columbia, or any money, funds, or pro erty intrusted to any such corporation, company, or association, shah be held to be larceny and shall be punished as such under the laws of said District." Sec. 2. That there be added to the Code of Law of the District of “°"“°°**°°'°°°"°· Columbia a new section, to stand as section six hundred and ninety- one a, and to read as follows: Sec. 691 a. That any building association incorporated or unincor- uy}; Q‘,§;jg]§°”°°*°‘ porated, organized and existing under the laws of any State or Terri- Exception.` tory, except the District of Columbia, to do or now doing, in the District of Columbia, a building association business or otherwise operating as a building association, shall be subject to all the provisions of the foregoing section of this Act in respect of the powers of the Comptroller of the Currency hereunder, and, any such association or corpo— w&¥;g:j;3{rjg,*,{}{*"*‘* ration shall at all times keep on deposit with the Cornptrollcr of the ` Currency in money or stocks, bonds or mortgages or other securities to be approved by said officer not less than ten per ccntum of its M"‘i“""“ *‘"‘°“"°‘ capital and surplus as security for its depositors and creditors, and as a guarantee for the faith ul performance of its contracts, and may also make such further deposit of its assets as above described with the Comptroller for such purpose as it may from time to time desire so to do. Approved, March 4, 1909. CHAP. 304.-Au Act To extend the time for the completion of a bridge across the M*”9lL‘¥· *909- Blissourl River at Yankton, South Dakota, by the Yankton, Norfolk and Southern Railway ( `ompany. [Public, N0. 333-l Be it enacted b y the Senate and Ilmrseepif Representatives of the United _ _ _ States of America in (bngress assembl , That section six of an Act :}§‘,§,S§“j;f;§;$;h ,0, approved March ninth, nineteen hundred and four. authorizing the gridsixrjs br Inntlgev. Yankton, Norfolk and Southern Railway Company to construct a iQlfi,`Za,°Iél,,{,2,l’¤,-°K{ combined railroad, wagon, and foot—passenger bridge across the Mis- Y““k‘°“·s· ’“"·