Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/106

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88 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1908. of Indians in Oklahoma. This shall not apply as a limitation on any formzipowers lvieitféllxn theigsecretary wit reference to the funds to the c it of sa'n tri . c,;:':,{’u’;‘_°°“ °““ For support and civilization of the Arapahoes and Cheyennes who y have been collected on the reservations set apart for their use and occupation, thirty-five thousand dollars. _ K""“"‘”""· For support and civilization of the Kansas Indians, Oklahoma, includin agricultural assistance and pay of employees, one thousand five hundre dollars. _ “°'“"°°* For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma, . two thousand dollars. · _ P°“°"‘ For support and civilization of the Ponca Indians, including pay of em loyees, nine thousand dollars. _ _ Igm °* °"°‘°“° 'Bm Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue a patent P•¤=¤*i¤ f¤¤— to the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions for the southeast cpuarter of P""' " “°‘ the northeast quarter of section six, township twenty-cig t north, range twenty-four east of the Indian meridian, Indian Territory, the same having been set apart to the Roman Catholic Church for c urch and school purposes by the Quapaw National Council, on August twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and said church having maintained a church and school thereon since that date. Sc‘,Q’;g{°””°B“'*”¤ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized Salecifcertsinlands, to sell and convey six hundred and forty acres of the lands, together _ $,5’,{‘{§,§}'§,,'f,°,,'f,°,,il_°°f’ with the buildings and other appurtenances thereunto belongin , here- PW- P- **8- tofore set aside as reservations for the Cheyenne and Arapahoe ggency and the Arapahoe Indian School in Oklahoma; and that he be further authorized to use all or any part of the proceeds of the sale thereof in the erection of new buildings, and in repairs and improvements, at the present Cheyenne Boarding School under the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Agency, Oklahoma, and in the establishment of such day schools as may be reguired for the said Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians in Oklahoma; an that the balance of the said proceeds of sale, if there be any, may be utilized in the support and maintenance of the said Cheyienne Boarding School or the said day schools. Txgm $*3.532 T t the restrictions on the alienation of any one acre of the lands zestrlctionia removed. allotted to William Billy and Tom Jack, Choctaw allottees, are hereby removed. cmLocc0 sono0L. °*’"°°°°’°*‘°°‘· For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the Indian sc ool at Chilocco, Oklahoma, and for pay of superintendent, one hundred and nineteen thousand four hundred dollars; For general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars; In al , one hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred dollars. P•w¤¤¢¤ rawivmzs. (rnmrr.) ¢g}}‘}§fY,;_ 7,,, For perpetual annuity, which is to be paid in cash them, per secv¤n.2v.p.m. ond article of treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and agreement of November twenty-third, eighteen hundre and ninety-two, article three, thirty thousand dollars; $c;)1:0;>}s.p 730 For supégort of two manual-labor schools, per third article of same ‘‘ ‘ treaty of (ptember twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, ten thousand dollars; {”,’;{f{§f·;‘;’,0_ For pay of one farmer; two blacksmiths, one miller, one engineer and apprentices, and two teachers, as per fourth article of same treaty, _ five thousand four hundred dollars; ”Y°*°“°· For pay of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two hundred dollars;