Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/901

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INDEX. 3 6 2 1 Trade-,1[arks—Cqntinued. Page- Treasurer of the United States, Page. opposition to 1SSf;1€ may iie filed by attor- appropriation for, assistant, cashier, clerks, ney; veri cation y opposer re- etc ,. 406, 953 q ¤¤l‘<*d .···.- : ... 1252 for superintendent redemption of national Trade-Marks Declaration, currency, clerks, etc ,.,,,________ 407, 953 with Luxembu? ... _ 2868 for paper forehecks for, etc ,__________ 413, 960 Trajfzg Contracts. nterstate Chnjwr, for clerks, sinking fund office, D. C.. 484,1121 copies of all, to be filed with Interstate deficiency appropriation for counters, etc. . 28 Commerce Commission 587 for counters, etc., redemption of national Trajic, Interstate (see Interstate Commerce currency ..,_.,.,,_,_,____ ; _______ 28 TT J d Iggguxgntions). for rsiirnbnrsing Bureau of Engraving and a orr , . ., rinting ..,._...,,.,,,,,_,__ _ _____ 635 Tpqfment . .. 2662 Treport gr 1905, ordered printed __,,__ 2833 rm. s, etc., as a, reawry epartment, Trpmvgigns fc; laygngl out .. 192 appropnation for Secretary, Assistants, ainatc rs, az way, c or s, etc _,, 402, 949 hours oipcontinuong servicilgiy, limited . . . 1416 estimates of receipts and expenditures, Trainer, Nevermore, ndian ottee, etc., to be made in annual report, alienation restrictions removed ... 345 and statement for preceding year, _ _ 949 Training 1/Easels, Naval, for clnefkclerk, assistant superintendent, limit of cost increased . 583 c er s, etc ... 402, 949 Transcripts from Records, Public Lands, for engineers, watchman, laborers, etc . 403, 949 appropriation for furnishing 724, 1333 for divisions in Secretary’s office, clerks, Transit ay, — €tC .. 403, 950 appvipriation for, diplomatic and consular 8 assignments from miscellaneous divi- · service . 4. . 288, 91 sion . 404 Transportation, ‘ for Supervising Architect, messenger . . . 404 Appropriation for, diplomatic and consular 2 for-Suyiervising .é1rgtect,i~x)isis{;)an{&etc. . 951 officers . 288, 9 2 employees pai mpu ic ui ings. _ 405 ‘ deficiency appropriation for, diplomatic dnftsmen, engineers, etc .. 405, 951 and consular officers . . .. 634 for Comgigoller of the Treasury, assistant, term to include cars and all instrumentali- 584 f Se}; , et?. . ... 405, 952 ties of shipment ,__. . .. or u itor or easury epartment, services of receipt, delivery, icing, stor— 584 f cl%rks,];ztc.R . t . .(i 405, 952 , etc __,__,_____,_,,,,,. — or u 1 r or ar epa men , eputy, ’ to bg {mired on reasonable requests. . . 584 clerks, etc ... Y .. . . ._- -` .. 405, 952 through route;) witlsiljgihstedatnd reasonable 584 for (iAud;t0r lfois hsvy Departmentlim 952 g to esta i ycarr1ers.--. 9pl1 y, C BT , 8 C ... . ... , chargegigs be just and rea.s{>nab1eH . . . gg for gudior {mk Intfrior Departmonz 6 952 ‘f xm and unreasonab e, pro i ite . . epu y, c er s, e c ... 0 , free uilriteismte, of passengers forbidden; 584 for éiuditor fo1iS?,te,;etc., Deparrmentsiiofi 952 t·ODS _____ _ _________ , _,___ , _, Bpllty, C Bf S, 6 C ... , ` pgmiigigrligsuing; accepting ... 585 for éiuditéur fof liost-£)fHce Departmenlik)6 953 TT gt' _ r _ epuy,cers,ec ... , fgggg,-ggign {Dini! _________,__,.,,,,, 253, 1169 for Treasurer. assistant, cilerigs. etc , 406, 953 d` f f estimates .. 1170 for Register, assistant, cr er , etc ...,. 407, 954 for pziifngelng to 1and—grant roads, not bond I for Cminrxpsroller of the Currency, deputy-,07 904 fd d ,_,_,._,___, ; __.,,.,,. 253,1170 cer s,etc ,__,_,,_,_,_,,,,, , _,,_, 4 , ’ for bint; for seacoast artillery .. lgl for iigoxnniissionpr of Internal Rvvoniu~&08 (B4 d ii, a r riation for .. , epu ues, crc . B Clancy pp Op 646, 666, 668, 1382, 1401, 1404 for Superintendent Life-Saving Service, Transportation, Interstate and Foreign, assistant, clerks, etc . 408, 955 of meats or meat {products not inspected 7 Q for Igirector Biiregi of Engraving nm;08 9 5 d ed, b'dden ,.,,,,,,,...,, 6 6 rmtmg, c er , etc _,_,._,_,,__, , . 5 Tramporigt/ioEr)z%iS;1Iail, or I 472 1211 I empiofees paid from engraving and 408 ' t' ...,...,. , V rm mg ..,,,._..,...,.,,,, T:;l;i§;ol:;;=;i¢;$z? élzrim Corps, 581 1202 for cgief of secret service division, clerksliog 955 '· t’ · , 2 c c .. , TgEg;;‘;¥;i-:z?i¢;?zilr{;1;z·y, for Director of the Mint, clerks, em _,., 409, 955 appropriation for ,,,,_____,,,_,,,,,,__ 555, 1177 i for Surgeon-General, Public Health, 9tc__ deficiency appropriation for 46, 1386 g Service, clerks, etc. ., 409, 9§6 Transportation of Animals;_ for contingent expenses ,. 409. 9g6 provisions for rest, feeding, etc., in inter- 607 §0r rent? . . 410, 906 Ltat ¤ _ r _ _ ,,... .,, . ,,,,_,., i Of COI] lflgéu E·Xp€l)S€S_ _ ll [ 0]* Of T7·an.;por(;,s, idwgigimerm K Post-Oiiice Department ...,.. 410, 957 npproprinrrion for expenses of: sale rg- 1 O for internal-revenue co11ect0rs,deputies~i11 957 t'vte1 ... . . 53,17 agents,ec .. . regtriqixigififri use of , ,,.,. 254, 1170 for @atries, assistant treasurer?} offices . 411. 958 Travel Allzmwwwe, Army., _ i special agents, etc . 413, 960 appropriation for enlisted men on dress HM i f paplg-_for clrecks ...,._, .____, ’ —h3, _, __,,..,___,... . .. 4 , “E 01*53 ies_ mint; gm gssayo ces", ‘ , Travers, izfcvrzgigx for government in the Territories . 416, 963 pension incrgrsed . 2132 a for ci\g1_exlperi§es under Tr =',J ., orpu ·lC ui ings . i, ;.a gglgpgmgggywsgd ________,,_.,..,,, . . . 2598 i for repairs to Department buildings. - 699, 1305 von xxzuv, PT 3--65 `