Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/865

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INDEX. _ 3585 Rock Rive?. Ul-, Page- § Rohr, Annie (widow), Pagecoustruction of dam authorized across, g pension .,,,,,,__._.._,.. 1523 near Grand Detour . 14 [ Raye, Eugene W, dams, ctc., at.Lynd0n . 933 * pension increased ______,_,__,,,_._._ 2756 dams authorized across north and south Rollins, Georgia A. (widow), branches, Rock Island County, Ill. . 155 l pension . 1496 power plant by Stiarlinid Hydraulic Com- Rzilme, Ga., f bl b ld n on, aut wriz 1103 eiiciency appropriation or pu ic ui - Rock .S'in£? I%a., Baptist Church, ing ... 31 sale of lands t0, authorized 634 Rome, Italy, Rockford, Ill., classification and salary of consul-general. . 99 acquiring land for and extending public appropriation for clegrk_hire . 294, 924 building at, authorized . 775 deficiency appr0pr1at1011_ for quota, gtc., R ap$m§·Lmiou for ...,.,, 790, 1303 Internauonal Inst1tute of Agncul- 635 ockhq , ., V Lure ... appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 1081 1 Rome, N. K, _ _ _ Rockport, Mg., , enlargement of public building at, authorpreliminagy examination of harbor, to be HB ized-?. .- · -··-------------- mg (3 ____ _ ____,_,_,,.. . ... . . . . . · , &pp1'0p1‘18. 1011 Ol' ... - ·. Rockwell, Alpheus A., R0”H·d0ui, · _ Y, _ V pension increased _______________________ 1439 appmpr1at1qn for nmprovemeut of harbor. . 1077 Rockwell, Garrett P., 2726 Rane. Nathanzel HH 1765 pgngign increased __________, . ... p€I1SlOI1 1I1Cl‘€3»S€ .. . .-..- - - - Rockwell, Jacob, Rvrabagck, Gwryv R-, granted honorable discharge . - 2821 pens¤or;4;ncre9se<}i_ 6 ._ .·.»~-... 2459 Rockw ll, Maflda widow Roaarwb, yenww cpu éw, Wagon gnéeasegi _____ ) ______________,._ 1742 classitzcagqn arid salary of consul. 100 Rockwood, Aar L., ROS]? » » pension i,,c,Q°;,€d ____________________,_. ms pegon increased ... 2440 Rockwood, Mary, Indian Allottee, ~ Roschdiantzky, Frederick, ~ feefimple title to ____________ _ ____________ 357 peusio;1 ingreased ... 2287 R , Mm, Sw Rose, Al my ., · · eased _______________ _ _______ 2204 pension increased . ., . 2615 R %;r?c6Ivi0, V Rose, Qamkl M., preliminary examination of harbor, to be 1116 Rmmlgagjuwcwed .--·-·-·----------- 1522 made ·-·---------- - ----·----------- vw, _ _¢rs<m, Rode 7 Gm,. Wn pension increased ... 1609 pejxiggn ing:->ased . . ---- Q -·----»- 2536 ROM ·I°$€I?h· cd 2398 Rodcheaver, George H-, ° P°¤S1°“ "‘c“’“···-··················· pension increased ».. 2146 Rvsebeqry, John S·, Rodmbergm William RW 1 pension incre2sed ».·-·.» 2332 pension increased __________ _ ____________ 2620 1 Rosebud 4g€{wy, S.,D¢1k_., _ Rodgers, Aug Fw appr<(}pr1at1011 for Indxgm agvent at .. 369, 10441 deficiency appropriation for reimburse- ; Rosgabu Indum Reservation, . Dak., _ ment ____ _ ____ _ _______ _ ___________ 1393 1 (hsposa.1 ofpa.rt of unallotteq lands Oi .. 1230 Roe Andrew JQ reservation of school sections ... ‘ pension inc!-eased _____ _ ____,... . 2026 Q Opshlzgsggeigfégigvggcwy $3 9% etc -···—-·· 1531 R°;é";?g;u'§g£régS0(1 _______________ _ _______ 2340 i dlgvpusal of proceeds; per capita distribu- PH · ¤ tion .. zi Z

 qgggzknation of, to be made,. . 1114   purchase of school sections for South Du— W

Roessler, Chrgsiian, kot? ·. ············‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ pension incrwsed ____________ _ __________ 2498 1 _ appropriation for, and ezgpejnsvs .. 9. Q R~w~» E-B-» 2,,, 1 2*1*); 1*¥2Et°“a&€%$m*€S1;f$;1‘ ~···i·-»·· 1;; payment w_ _ Z ___________ , .. 1 rea y Ng fg E ¤¤¤=* F9 -----·--—-·- —· Rogers, El1za(w1d¢Yw), ~ Rosencqavw, 0 n ci, 2535 pension increased .,_,,_,,..._,.. 2076 pension xnqrease ... R , Ewtam B., _ ~ R"•’·’· L?m"47• '§'§;,”mp;;a1;m.:0r allowance m accounts. .. 1291 5 p<>¤¤¤¤r{ _:1¤¤r¤==¤€d -----—-—·-·»—-—·------— 2681 Rogers, Geofgé, R°88· uml _ d ,,026 pension incre=wcd._ ..·.-----—- - —--—·--·-- 2024 2 P°“S‘°“_‘“;"““° ··············*··‘····· “ R{)g€T8, (U»`7·d0'w), N _ Q R0$8y Ed’iL’¢}T y Q d pgnginn gnqrnased ,_____,,,,..., , _____,,, 14 la 1 pensu)1'1 lhgfgkind: , . .__.. Rogers Julivlvx D-. _ 1 Rosé? Edwar "* , . um 0 Hg` , · ’· , - l ___,___________ ];69 ; alienation restrictions removed 340 pensum xncreasec E R°g”*"*- Mmm (uvidawx "2l4 R(§;hgg(;%;¤~r£Ja.¤ed 1512 ]2(?f;-l_;’l(i¥}};12Q»;4_· (1}¤%&5q1·}Q ‘``‘'``````"'`“""` mg Ross, Gegggémed MST · ,/gi l_.V_______ ____ __ ______ _ Z) PQHSIO I . ··--—· ·-»·» ·--~·- »·-—- Rp;?E‘(ELlt2('g·aQ ) 1 Ross, Hmm], [ndum Allottzw, _ Og néion inoréased _ _ _’ _____ _ _____________ 2666 fee-simple txtle to 1 . ... 397 RW Su Ross, James, °g;;;i0H glcreaséa _______ _ ____________ _ _ _ 2336 1 pension incrcqsed . . . 2167 R em Smum J twehivw) * Ross. John., Ivuium Allome, _ Ogemgiou ______ I ________ ’ _______ _ __________ 2 735 ‘ s£—€.S1mp1e title to . 3¤7