Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/832

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3552 INDEX. Phillips, Seth, Pam Pike, George, Pasceusion increased ...,. 1562 ension increased . 1489 V Pgllips, Thomas, P£e Mrmwrmmt Aasomkztion, Colo., The Zebu— ension increased , 2654 lem Momgowwry, P}£mix, Ariz., medallions for, to be made at Philadelphia, appropriation for Indian school . 332, 1021 mint . 198 issue of cadet rides to Indian school 1021 Pike Rapids Pofwer Company, purchase of water plant of Phoenix Water may dam Mississippi River in Morrison Company, etc., authorized .. 1414 County, Minn .. 209 terms of court ... 283 location modified .. 1219 Phoenix Brewing Company, Pikes Peak Forest Reserve, Colo., appropriation for refund of tax ... 1221 consolidation of Pikes Peak and Plum Photographs, Department of Agriculture, Creek timber land reserves and South sale of prints and lantern slides from; pro- Platte Forest Reserve, int,0 3029 ceeds ... 684, 1281 Pikes Peak Timber Land Reserve, Colo., _ Physical Disabilities, consolidated into Pikes Peak, Forest Repenalty for bringing be United States aliens serve 3029 sub'ect to certain - ..., 901 Pilcher, Elsfk Grace, Indian Allottee, Phyaicézm, C'., fee—simple title to ... 356 restriction on prescribing cocaine, etc . . . . 180 Pilcher, Harriet L., Indian Allottee, use of drugs, etc., by . ..,. 175 fee-simple title to ... 356 Picazrd, Francis, Pile, Rearma (widow), 5 pension increased ,. . .. 1500 pension increased. . .‘ .. 1618 Pub, Lejvi, Pillow, Elizabeth (widow), Pension increased . 1679 ension increased . 2655 Pzclzms, Jacob, 1 Pzgot Chart, Navy, payment to . 1768 [ appro riation for preparing . 424, 970 Pigkgym, Melinda, for §orth Pacific, monthly ... 425, 970 added be Choctaw final roll 340 I Pima Agency, Ariz., ` Picket, Thomas, § appropriation for support, etc., of Indians pension increased . 1431of- 332, 1021 Pxckctt, Maj. George E., · Pima Indians, Ariz., Payment, to- ._ ... 1714 approfpriatiou for urgtion, lands of .. 333 Pwkett, Thomas J., use 0 irrigation fun for Salt River projpension increased . 1953 ect; credit ... . 1022 P1d:Z¢, Jacob M.,Pinal Mountains Forest Reserve, Ariz., pension increased . 1937 proclamation establishing . `. . 2991 Pwotte, Julia D., Indian Allottee, Pwwkvwy, J M, late a Representative in Con- \ fee·simple title to ... 373 I gress, Picotte, Peter, Indian Allotiec, deficiency appropriation for sister of .. 43 fee-simple title to ... 374 Pima Blujj Ark., Pieper, Henry, bridge authorized across Arkansas River at. 50 pension increased . 2523 construction of public building authorized at 776 Pzeper, John, appropriation for ... 791, 1302 pension increased . 1449 Pine ake, Mabh., Pwrcc, Franklin C., appropriation for improvement of entrance pension increased . 1497 to . 1097 Pzerce, George WT, { Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak., pension increased . 1904 { appropriation for Indian agent at . 369, 1046 Pierce, Ida E. G. (u=Mou#>, gr paying certain Sioux 374 pension . 2564 g Pim Ridge Indian Reservation, S. Dale., Pwrcz, Jacob W, ¤ appropriation for expenses, surveys 371. 1048 pension increased ... . . 2522 de ciency a propriation for surveys ... 1403 Purce, James•O., 5 Piney Branch gridge, D. C., · pension increased . 2392 Q appropriation for constructing, on line of Pierce, Oliver P., ? Sixteenth street . .. 492 pension increased . 2289 Ping, James M., Pierce, Ruth P. (widmm, § pension ,.,.. 2485 pension increased . 1957 Pmkham, Orlando C., Pwrce, Simeon, f pension increased ,___,________________,,__ 1642 pension increased . 2040 Q Pmnacles Forest Reserve, Cal,, Puzrre, S. Dah, ‘ proclamation establishing _._,_A_,____..,., 3221 apgxmpriation for Indian school 370, 1046 . Pmnell, Glawfvina A. (widow), or public building 699 pension . . .._.,,,_,______________ 1590 Pinrxell, Joseph NZ, ’ Pmney, Edward H., pension increased . . .. 1979 Y pension increased .,,..,,,,,_______ _ __,,,,_ 1602 Pigeon. Bayou, La., Pmt, Margaret (wvldow), appropriation for improvement of . 1089 , pension increased ,,,,__,,___ _ _____,___ _ , _ _ 2574 Pigeon mnt Light-House Rescrmtion, Cal., V Ptpe Lima, right of way across, granted Ocean Shore § for oil. etc., considered common carriers . . 584 Railway Company ,. 548 E water and gas excepted _,_________,,____ 584 Piggolt, James T., { Piper, C%1tharine(1mH0/w), ension increased . 2716 pension ..,..,...,,,..___,__________ ; ____ 2007 Paige, Fzmmkz L. ( widow), Pzpestone, Minn., - · pension increased .. ; . . 2427 T appropriation for Indian School ________ 350, 1033