Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/776

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3496 INDEX. North Carolina, Page- j North Tonawanda, N K, Pageappropriation for payment to Governor, acquiring site for public building at, aumonumeut at Moores Creek 259 thorized .,,,,,,_,..,__ 783 for Indian Service in ..., . .. 359, 1041 appropriation for ..___.__,____,,___ 795 for revenue-cutter for Albemarle and North Yakima, Whsh., Pamlico sounds and Neuse River". 702 acquiring site for public building at, auior improvement of waterway from Nor- thorized ,.._.._.__,.,.____ 7 84 folk, V2., to sounds of .. 1083 appropriation for ,,._,__,__,,,,,___ 796 delivery of certain early archives to, au- Northampton and Halyax Bridge Company, thorized ... . ... 821 may brid e Roanoke River at Weldon, North Carolina Eastern Judicial District, N. 5 ..,...,.,,,___,__,____ 197 term of court, Elizabeth City . 1224 Northern and Northwestern Lakes, Newbem ... 1224 appropriation for survey of .,.. 744, 1350 V Raleigh 1224 Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho Indimw, `$ais:1]ingt0n .. . apgnopriatéon forfulfi11i1}g treaties with. 354, 1035 i iugtou ¤ or purc asc of cattle or ._,.,,.,.__ 354 North Charleroi, Pa., 1 for irrigation s stem, Ton e River Restime extended for bridging Monongahela I ervation. ...,...,. ____________ 1035 River between Rostmver and- . 884 Northern Indakms, Cal., . North Coast Railroad Company, appropriation for support, etc., of .. 333, 1022 may bridge Columbia River between Ben- Northern Pavtjic Railroad Company, V . ton and Franklin counties, Wash. . . 866 extension of relief to contesting settlers 011 Wallawalla ang] Bgnton counties ... 866 A h grant to ...i 197 North East River, . ., ’ort rop, Thomas J., appropriation for improvement of . 1083 pension increased .,,.,_.., 2427 North; Dakota, Norton, Eliza P. (imklour), appropriation for Indian Service in 360, 1041 pension increased .__.1. . .,,,,_ 2141 or mcidental expenses, Indian Service Norton, Fannie P. (widow), in . . .. _ . 360, 1042 pension increased .r.., 1854 for surveyopgeneral, clerks, etc .. 435, 981 Norton, Rianzo M., bridge authorized across Red River in pension increased ,._... . .,.._. 2636 Minnesota and . 820 Nortrip, William H., certain entries, etc., on lands of ceded Fort pension increased . 1716 Berthold Indian Reservation, vali- Nortrup, Detrick, i dated 894 pension increased ,.,... . . . 1477 homestead laws extended to abandoned Norway, Fort Rice Military Reservation . . . . 808 appropriation for minister to ... 287, 917 homesteaders allowed leave of absence 1419 for secretary of legation ... 287, 917 time to prove residence, etc., in, ex- extradition treaty with, as to accessories. . 2865 A land tenged. . . . . . . : 1421 proclamation extending copyright benefits s exc ange w1t i ton owrie an to citizens 0 . ,.___.__ 3111 another 1241 Norvmkh, Conn., · granted for State Historical Society . 1241 deficiency appropriation for public buildmay select school lands in lieu of erroneous ing ... 30 entries on Fort Rice and Fort Abm- Norwood, Eliza L. éwidow), ham Lincoln abandoned reserva- ension increase ,.. . . 1762 tions ... 1218 " gastro Signora delle Gracie, “Bark, Williston land district created .. . . 148 appropriation foi roimbursing owner ._.___ 1292 North Dakota Judicial llistrict, Notahes Public, D. C., _ divided in five divisions. ...,. 609 ucknowled ents by, in cases in which counties constituting; courts ... 609 m-nipilgrod, etc., forbidden ______,__ 52] terms of district court . 609 may practice before Departments, etc _____ ($22 jurisdiction of divisions .. 609 Nottingham, England, terms of circuit court ..., 610 classification and salary of consul _________ 99 appointment and duties of deputy clerks. . G10 apfropriuticyn for clerk hire ___,_________ 294, 924 North Dakota State Ilistoriral Soviety, NON MTM Leu B-- lands exchanged and granted to North Da.- Pension mC"%*$€d -»----·----·-»...· - ---..· 1885 kota. mi use of . 1241 New, _J~¤€1>h A -, North Edisto River, S. NP°"°"f}? *"F’j;‘¤°d ——---~———---———--— — -·-·~— 1968 preliminary examination of, to be made. -- 1117 °!§;gi0ua;Sgr€aék(l 1477 N0"”"— G"“T""'m" P·» Ngewo Laredo I V ’ · . ih Pension Increased ······· * ················· 2265 C12.SSif1Cati011 and szilary of consul _____,,__ 100 North, Lafayette, JVui.·;ances, I). C., pension increased . 2019 abatement by Commissioners on failure Oi North Mississippi Traction Company, OWN? ------·-··--· 114 may construct dams, etc., across Boar §?0*§1» 3$S*?S¤€d as t3X .-·. 114 River, Miss ____________ _ __________ 130 crlmmgl prosecution not affected ____ _ ____ 114 North Platte Forest Resewe, Nebr., °‘uth°my m enter “p°n pmmlses to °"“"ct» roclamation establishi 3193 .€t° ‘‘‘‘·············· · ············- H5 P ng '````'`'``'’` pumshment for preventing ..,._. . ___,__ 115 Nmh Pl<¤¢¢¢» N”b"·» service of notice to abate 115 terms of court at- .,, , ____,__,,,_, 998 Jgulmn, George, i `````````'```' North River (see Hudson River, N. Y.), pension increased __________________ _ ______ 1441