Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/72

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2912 GENERAL AoT—MoRoooo. APRIL 7, 1906. CHAPITRE II CHAPTER II. ‘ ‘-`°““’**"“d°‘“"'“’· Régtement cmzcermmt Za euwei- Regulatimw co/ncergzing the detecllance et Za repression de Za com- tion and rqwesszon of the contrebamte des armes tmbaml of arms. ,0f,,‘}{,{’,;’;',{*‘*°“· °“’·· ART. 13. Sont prohibes dans ART. 13. Throughout the She- ° toute l’etendue de l’Empire Cheri- reefian Empire, except in the cases fien, sauf dans les cas specifies aux specified by articles 14 and 15, the articles 14 et 15, Pimportation et importation and sale is forbidden le commerce des armes de guerre, of arms of war, parts of guns, ampieces d’armes, munitions chargees munition of any nature, loaded or I ou non chargees de toutes especes, unloaded, powder, saltpeter, gun poudres, salpétre, fulmi-coton, ni- cotton, nitroglycerin, and all comtr0—glycerine et toutes composi- positions destined exclusively for tions destinees exclusivement a la the manufacture of ammunition. _ fabrication des munitions. n ART. 14. Such explosives as are _ pu*§};l‘;,?f,§‘,Q';_‘;“,§f* “‘ ZART. 1-et. Les explosifs neces- necessary for industry and public saires 5. l’1ndustr1e et aux travaux works may, however, be intropublics pourront neanmoins etre duced. A regulation drawn up in introduits. Un we lement, ris the manner indicated by article · dans les formes indliquees a Far- 18 shall determine the conditions ticle 18, determinera les conditions under which their importation may ` dans lesquelles sera etfectuee leur be effected. importation. ART. 15. The arms, arts of ,,,§,g“· °“’·· ‘°' ART. 15. Lesarmes, pieces d’ar- guns, and ammunition iintended - mes et munitions, destinees aux or the troo s of His Shereefian " troupes de Sa Majesté Cheritienne, Majesty willlhe admitted after the " · seront aldmises apgs Paccomplis- fulpllment of the following forsement es ormai s suivantes: ma ities: F<>¤¤¤1iti<>¤» Une declaration, signee par le A declaration signed by the Ministre de la Guerre marocain, Moorish Minister of \Var, de- . enoncant le nombre et Pespece des scribing the number and nature of fournitures de ce genre comman- such articles ordered abroad, must dees 5. Pindustrie etrangére, devra. be presented to the legation of the étre presentee a la Legation du country of theirorigin, whose visa pays d’origine qui y apposera son shall be aflixed thereto. visa. Le dédouanement des caisses et The passage through the cus- ‘ colis contenant les armes et muni- toms of the cases and packages tions, livrees en execution de la containingthe arms and munitions, commande du Gouvernement ma- delivered at the order of the Moorrocain, sera opere sur la produc- ish Government, shall be effected tion: upon the resentation: _11.° de la declaration specifiée 1. Of the aforesaid declaration. c1- essus. 2.° du connaissement indiquant 2. Of the invoice indicating the l le némbre, le poids des cohs, le number and weight of the packnombre et l’espece des armes et ages and the number and kind of munitions u’ils contiennent. Ce the arms and munitions contained document ilevra etre vise par la therein. This document must be Legation du pays d’origine qui visaed by the legation of the counmarquera au verso les quantites tryof theirorigin,whichwillrnark successives precédemmentdedoua- on the back the successive amounts nees. Le visa sera refuse a pa1·- previously passed through the custir du moment ou la commande toms. This visa will be refused aura ete integralement livrée. when the order shall have been entirely delivered. 8P°¤-i¤8=¤=¤ ART. 16. Uimportation des ART. 16. The importation of armes de chasse et e luxe, pieces sporting and high—priced arms,