Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/713

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e mnnx. ‘ 3433 Incorporraticms, D. C'.——C0ntinued. PASS- Indian Deparlvrzevit-—C0ntinued. P¤·g¤- _ Edcs HOH16. ._ 162 under the President ,.__,_, 325, 1015 Great Council of the United States, Im- appropriation for allotments in severproved Order of Red Men .. 117 aligy ___________________________ 325, 1015 Hungarian Reformed Federation, ..., 1226 mission schools on reservations to re- Lake Erie and Ohio River Ship Canal ceive rations, etc., of pupils ... 326 C·Qmp9·Dg . . 809 alienation restrictions continued _,,,., 326 International unday School Association- 867 not applicable to Indian Territory. . 326 Masonic and Eastern Star Home, new under the Secretary of the Interior . 326, 1015 _ _ name for Eastern Star _Home .,.. 92 supplies to be advertised for ... 326, 1015 National Child Labor Committee .. 914 exigencies; irrigation expenses; Indian National _Education Association of the labor and sup lies _____________ 326, 1015 _ United Statéw _ .. 804 diversion of SIITPPIIS funds for subsist- Natiom.1 German-American Alliance .. 928 ence; report ___________________ 326, 1016 National Safe Deposit, S3.V1I1gS and Trust stock cattle purchases treaty funds , 0<>¤¤1>¤$¤y» ¤¤¤¤¤ <=h¤¤s¤d ·-·-»»· ; - ·- 868 minded ’ .,. 326,1016 N¤¤<>¤§1Bv§£$$;:£ S<>¤¤ of the A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 227 came to aiimm, Sioux Resemmm. 326 Increase of eg NavyLice-1€ayali·}1stalilisli; 326 · mcn ‘ transfer of funds for emplo ees .. 326, 1016 Index"! Exposllm D· Cn _ rejection of unsatisfactory liids .,.,,. 327, 1016 penalty for, increased ..,.. 127 . . . , Imkpgndgyigg Fgrggt Rgggrygv Ngp_, amount fol' S11ppllGS Immediately availproclamation establishing . 3251 abls ··························· 32% 1016 Imkpmdmth MOH tiiimsfer of unused lp;o1;erty1. . ’ . 1016 acquiring site for public building st, s.u· 9- °*m6¤F¤ not _18 6 m' 6 is PHO? tv 1 t]wr1red_ ___________ _ _______ _ _____ 733 fee-simple title . . .,.., 327 appropriation for . 1 795 moneys held in trust not liable to debts Independant Treasury - during trust period 327 apprepriationécr éakries, assistant inseam 958 interfest to be paid on moneys withheld _ \11'0§‘ 8 0 €€¤ ----·----···---·--»--· » om minors ...,,,.,.., 327

  • <>*¤P¢¢¤¤e1¤g°¤*¤· etc ················· 413>960 sales of trust lands within reclamation

. fl"` WP? f°' °h°°k" ·················· 413· 960 roject; proceeds .. 327 f°',c°m·mg°m °xH°n?"S· · ········· {706- 1312 under Cgmmissioner of Indian Affairs . . 328, 1016 d°6cw2§g`ck:P§;c°P““°°“‘ Or P”·P°’ °’ 31 payment of taxes from funds due Indians. 1016 for examiniitionsiiétici I ...21;:; iiiijiiiii 1373 s ’*PP’°P¤¤*¤°¤ for ¤¤’¤g¤¤<>¤ expenses; cx- , ,*<·;0<=g,·;;;;g,;,¤g,¢¤[v¢r;¤¤;,;,,, ·---—-------- 1373 io. s."".w"$,;g xg.; ;.1r(;·,;l;.;;,1;;.‘ _‘.‘. 3;;;:; 3%; {S}? . . . . . report on tuberculosis samtarium . 328 °°”°‘°§3p1Z£¥§f§*L?????.??T-.?T¥’?‘T{‘T? my d¤¤isgg¤·>¤ 0* Iggigeyefm School-- 328 be - dv D, - H to I L annu report m I .. 328 t° *I£I`§S°.)i gi;muile1;-ii...iigli.iii?. me for Sg;;g;Sg;;q1g{g;¤g;¤f;>;¤=q¤¤<=d—éé8 lggg Indexes of Laws, . . `'`'`’‘`' ’ appropriation for preparation of, for Con';53 Q4 $121;; for Indian T9¤`1t·0¤'Y and Okla- 328

 etc ... _ .. , { 6 ··························· _·

Indian A fairs, Commissioner of, · fw S“PP°'Y <>fg9h<><>1¤ ·--···------··-- 329· 1017 appropriation for, assistant, clerks, etc. . 430, 976 S“PP"9SSm3 KIDO? ¤`amc-_- ~; ···——--- _— 1017 deficiency appropriation for prwam Seem, for constrnctwn, etc., of bnildmgs: . . 329, 1017 · mry_ _ _ _ ___v_________ _ ___________ 36 for collecting and transporting pupils, 329, 1017 annual report modified; requirement for °mPl°Y!`0€¤t {OF §“P1l**· - - ; · -_ --··· $29, 1017 list of all employees repealed _ _,,.. 328 Bxpqhdltllrés tm er (mriniiasioner, 329, [017 may detail clerks for special investigations; mw g’:£;{glr*:£"*·m°“*· · ~ · 329» expenses. .. . . , . , · ··-·--·--··· to designate. etc,, Indian Reform School . . 328 mVB$U§u'·10¤5 by €’l€*'k* · - -_ ··--···—·- 1018 to report on sanitarium for treating tuher- landsg '}°“°°mP{{t°“t I"d“*“·‘ -··--· _- 1018 cuioqas among inaim . . azz for mrc sms ¤¤1>1>¤<;¤- ew -—-»··~--· {M9- 1018 Indmn Agmcmv for transporting supplies. etc .r.. 329, 1018 appropriation for buildings, etc 329, 1018  ;’§':c;“§‘$*‘H- - ·--- Indian Agents, · · ’ `` “` ' salaries not available for army officers. . 332, 1020 for Yacqlmilon ``````'````'`` 330 1018 . _ printing in schools - .. 330, 1018 school superintendents may act as; addr . . . . · · rights of way for railroads, addition for tional psy . 332, 1020 . _ , . (vt. stations, etc ... , ..,..,. 330 I’“l“m C°T'"{"*"*”°"· ’ '""· 330 .1019 general officers, employees. ctc . . . 330, 1019 aPPl")Pl`mt*°n fw expenses ············‘ ’ appropriation for citizen commission , , 330, 1019 Indikm ('ourtg, _ or mipectors; expenses _.,. 330,1019 appropriation for judges . . 331, 1020 chic irrigation engineer __________ 334), 1019 Indian Departmznt, for superintendent ofschools;expensew.330_1019 appropriation for Commissioner, assistant, for interpreters; restriction ,,... 331,1019 clerks, etc ________________ _ ______ 430, 976 for Indian police ,.,...,.,..._.. 331, 1019 my clerks, removing restrictions, Five for mutrcms, etc . 331. 1019 Civilized 'fribes ________ _ ________, 976 for additional farmers and stockmen. 331, 1020 for expenses of the .. 325, 1015 for judges, Indian courts .. 331, 1020