Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/649

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INDEX. \ ’ 3369 Court of Claims, D. C., Page- Cm, Hartley 3,, Page. aptpropnation for judges, clerks, etc . 448, 993 'pension increased ,,._,.,.,,,,.,. 2021 or auditors, etc . 448, 993 Cox, Hugh M,. for contingent expenses .. 448, 993 pension increased ..,,,.. 2584 for reporting decisions ..,..._. 448, 993 Coz, James, for pay oi custodian ... 993 payment to .,..,,,__,,,,,,___,_,,,,,,_,, 2661 for alterations, etc., to building . 750 Cox, James B., for_pri.nti11.<z and binding . 761, 1368 pension increased ...,..,..,,,,,,,.,. 1767 deficiency appropriation for contingent Cox, James D., GK 11598 ... 40 pension increased  ; . . 2538 for yljg judgments of .. 44, 664, 1400 Cow, Janwk, Indahn Allottee, Cgzrokee claims . 664 fee-simple title to ,,,,,.,.,,. 357 for `udgments Indian depredation 1400 Cox, Joanna L. (widow), rilaims .. 44, 664, pension increased ... 2319 for printing and binding ... 1398 Coz,_Leonard Martin, Lucien owry may be appointed an 90 Omayklae reséored as civil engineer, Navy. . . 1407 · au itor ... 13 ox, es ., to determine amount to attorneys in claims pensioriei/ncreased ... 2045 of Cherokee intermarried whites 340 Coy, Edward, Colville Reservation cession 378 pension increased ...,... 1466 to determine claim of Joseph P. T. Fish for Coyle, Catherine (willow), ’ allotment as Shawnee minor child. . 344 pension . 1657 S. W. Peel for services to Choctaw Na- 2415 Coyle, John B., 66 V tion . . ... pension increased ... 22 Peter P. Pitchlynn’s heirsagainst Choc· 345 Coyner, Frances (willow), taws .. pension . 1759 Esther Roumeau .. 2408 Crab Island, Lake Champlain, Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux for for· appropriation for marking graves of solfeiteg annuities .. Q . %3 ignd sailors on . 258 ‘ an pan . tree, . Vmn and Adair against gsages . 365 pension increased ... 2247 to determine · lands, etc., taken Craig, Daniel, ' iltgcplew at Saint Marys Falls, 099 pension inpreased a. . 1880 ` ... 1 Cra•g' , Frank in, to hear claims of estate of (lgharles F, Winton 140 pensip(nki‘n§reased ... 2682 Q againstpi octaws ... _(}raag' , _ _ . claims of Sac and lgox Indians in Iowa pension increased ... 1746 against Sacand Fox Indians in Okla- Craig, C., homa and the United States 1055 penmon increased ... 1780 to hearBIn1§lian depredation claim of John 2411 Creighton, {Solomon, 22 2 . rown pension in ... 6 John C. L ch ... 2411 Craigo, Margaret E. (willow), Augustus Cgrgbing .,,.. 2311 pension increased ... 2706 suit of Cherokees in, to determine validity Cramer, Andrew, of laws as to alienation restrictions, pension increased ... 2601 etc., authorized ... 1028 C'r¢t1n¢1‘_, Pqlef, nppegliilntmgeys, fees ,,...,..,.,,.,... 1028 Orpension .,. ,· ... 2211 Court ,` ., ampton, ., pgugriou , ,_,,_,,,,,,. ., ,,.,. 2550 p€I1Bi0Il increased . 1837 Courts (glee United States Courts). Crandall, P., _ Court;. qynql, ,2np-ty, 245 1163 Cs-pzrrisiipnlpncreasod . 2080 ap ro nation or expenses. , e , mry, C ell, glwmqg 0,, pension increased . .1694 zwvension increased ... 1690 Crandol, James, Cowan, Campbell, pension increased . 2044 pension increased ... 2568 Crane, _J0l•7l· Hq Cowan! Garrett F, 27,3;. CTpeus1.c;nhin$;reased . 1709 eased ______,____,_________,_ am, o n ., C0I;fa‘;;B:0;)[e;;l1;,rR_, pension increased . 2668 pensio; increased . .. 1964 C°1‘¢11w, _W1{lWm, 24 2 Cowan, 0 7;, p€I18l0ll· ll1C - . . i . 7 pension increased . .. 2557 C7‘¢17M’, _Wi{lmm Bq Coward, ,Vq;}um, pensionuncreased .,... 2398 pgngign rncriased ., . 1787 CTll'l'1-8, _W¢ll7·0'm J, 2814 C ll, J ., DBIOH ----·—··~-·--·-~-·-·····-·-------~- Tégsgonaggmm ______,___,,___,____,__ 1448 Crldriinford, John W. late aRepraven¢aLire, g,yweg[’ gsm, Ai, printing of eulogies on, authorized 826 pension in(3r%59di{ ____, , 2777 0I'G’!l·8ZQ7l, Hq 1440 ‘ ly Al nd _,nsion increased . Cgzgjgcn ;;Z;,.,,g'Qd _____,__________,______ 2453 s cys Lake National rmi, Cm,_»[»ggz RWM; Wi;_q},_ _ · v , appropriation for management, etc . 729, 1337 appropriation for improvement ot . 1108 i Crown.}, Benjamin B.,

 examination Of, to ht? Hlzldé. . . 1118   C p9HS1ODJH;lC!'(;)BB9(1  . . . . ...·-  

C.Clmb, ;ra·vens,on., Ogensgii ingiasql _____________ _ _________ 2206 pension increased . 2773