Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/640

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3360 INDEX. Coates, John W., P¤S€· Cohen, Stephen D., Page pension increased ... 2196 pension increased _,,,,,,,____,__________ 1607 Coqticook, Quebec, Cain, classlficatloll and Salary Of comm} -—-—·-··--- 100 appropriation for freight on bullion and . . 409, 955 Coawy R- Smuhv lor transporting silver _. . . 706 Pension iDm`€a€€d --·———----—--··---·-·-· 2430 for transporting fractional silvei··.·.· ... 1312 Cobb, C“t6_E· ('w'·d°’”’l¤ for transporting silver .._.,_,.,. 1313 COlg*i“SE$;ui?“cI5`,€a“d ·---··-·-·-··-—··-——·-- 1726 ior transporting giinor 706, 1312 » _ _ ·w or recoinin ol ..._ 706, 1313 C0lg%“S%f;?i;ué`YmS€d ---············—-··---- 2280 degiciency apgrgprigition for recoining gold . 28 g¤¤¤i<>¤ i¤¢¤¢¤¤¤d ----·-----—-»----·-·--- 2548 sgi iiZ§S1li°;tiiH1§¤iiiXi(ir5§'d[[ Ggij Cv by -H”'lP" P·> for transporting minor .._ `. 636, 1374 Colginrglog -···-—·---·-···---····· 1947 permanent appropriggion for metal for 1 I y clamitication and salary of consubgeneral . , 99 Coker J;;;lD0r’ increas ```````````````````` 132 a propriation for clerk hire . 294, 924 * . . * d 2143 Cvgilm, Mary (www), C0If§;S'§§,;I;;r§”° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘ g£Z§’$f”bY”§T, E I `‘‘‘‘‘‘```'``'‘‘°‘°‘‘‘‘ 1691 C1;§¤¤i,g;%,}v¤¤j);ed ·-·-----—----··--·-~--- 2279 restriction on sale, etc., of . 179 ° y* . IL dam ‘· pension increased ._._.,_,.,. 2538 Cochetopah Forest Reserve, Colo., C ld S . I Z t N J . pmimmmon embiismng ... 3101 ° Pmgt. " ef, .· ·» t f_ t . Cochran, John S., appropl;1::_1on pi; improxglmen o ,tcon ripemion increased _______________________ 2492 tu_ 1;)}* 0 0*3% au OU l€S· 6 C-, T9- 1079 . Cochran, Mary (widow), $"° ‘°“ ·-·-·············-··-·-·-· Cpensiouliu B ... 1994 €¤ldS1»‘my;i G?. 6 h h tch 721 whan, 5 iaqn _, appropria on or s. a ery ... pension increased ... 2736 Caldiwg, Jaime.; L., Cochrane, Irene A. (widow), pension increased ___..___,,__,,. 2556 i><=¤¤i<>¤ i}¤¢f¢==¤¤d -·---—----------------- 1486 oozdwam, Mech., Cod!/» G“b"f”l¤ acquiring site and erecting public building p<>¤¤·<>¤ ¤¤¢r¤¤·—<> Idahov appropriation for. . . . l · · - _ l 1297 proclamation establishing 3256 . . ```````````` ’ I Coldwater Rwer, Mus., C0"' d’Al“"“> Id“h°> · appropriation for improvement of 1688 pm of Fm Shermml ¤b¤¤d¤¤<>d milifery bnlige authorized moss between `olisl reservation granted for cemetery to. . . 3004 homa and Quitmalfcoumies __<____ 631 Coeur d’Ale*n.e Imhhn Reservation, Cole Bumess appropriation for Indian agent, etc., at . . . 334 pémion mémased ____________V__ _ 1696 . or superintendent .., _ .. 1023 Cole Charles L_ d osal of unallotted lands in . 335, énsion incmgmed 2610 lislotments to Indians .. 335 00% Clarke S ``````````````````````` classification of residue; open to home- pénsion inc,Z,§as€d 2489 stead entry . 336 Cole Gemge W' ```````````````````'` ' appraisal; payments; commutation. . . 336 p,;,,Si,m incréwcd 2686 mineral entries; coal and oil deposits. . 336 pole Jams II { auaé ````'`'``'``'` saleof remuininglands; school sections. 336 J pénsion " '” I M6 proclamation of opening; regulations,. . . 337 Cole Luc,} `````````````'`````````' reservations for public uses; town sites. 337 pénsibn incrguseé 2508 disposal of proceeds; distribution , 337 Cole Norman II. `'````````'``````'````` “g*’“°Y» °t°·· la“d”·;· ······-~·· :· · · 337 pension increaged ...,._,_,.. 2326 rules, etc.; responsibility of United (yale pete,. States ····························· 337 1 i dnsion increased 1908 appropriation for expenses; reimbursable; GBE Rob"! ```````````'``'````'``` use Of P“’“*‘*'lS --··--·····-········ 338 peynsion increased 2561 owners of land adjoining may purchase I Cole Seymour ``````'```````````````` from, to complete holdings ...,._ 1229 E pénsion inmlmsed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • 1687 Coeur d’Alem· Iridium, , Cole. Theodore, _ a propriation for fulfillin treaty with. 335, 1024 pension increased ____,__________________ 2175 Coflly, James I., Indian Algollee, Colegute, Wtlliam H., alienation restrictions removed ,..,... . 351 pension increased ____________,__________ 2107 Cogfey, John L., Coleman, Clara P. (uddow), pension invreased .,,,,,..,,,,,,. 1974 pension invreageql __________,____________ 2709 Lbjln, Griffin A., Coleman, Dawkl B., pension inrfrealsed .., 2754 pension increased ____,__,_____________,_ 2069 Cqyin, Henry C., Coleman. Johmjr., pension lH(‘!'€‘&89d . . .,... 1912 pension increased ____,,__,,_,__________, 1684 (,bjfman, Daniel M., Collection Districts, Custmm: (see Customs). pension increased ... 1744 Collection of Customs Dprzm, Cojfman, Victor H., permits to load or unload at night, vessels pension increased . .- ..., 2455 from foreign ports _.,_____._. 633 Cohcmsey River. N extended to bonded carriers from United appropriation for improvement of . 1080 States ports _________,_________ _ ____ 633