Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/61

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CON VENTION—ROUMANIA. LIARCH 18/31, 1906. 2901 Omwention between the Ezited States and Rozmzaniafor the recz}>r0caZ_ M‘“"h18’3r 1906 W yoteetion of trade—ma7·hs. Signed at Bucharest Jfareh 18/ 31, 1.906,· ratipieation advised by the Senate May 4, 1.906; ratifed by the President May 10, 1.906; ratijied by Reumania June 20, 1906 ,· ratijications exchanged at Bucharest Jane Q1, 1.906,* proclaimed Jane 25, 1906. BY THE PRESIDENT 01·· THE Umrnn STATES or Ammucn. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Pm¤*b1°· ¤ His Majesty the King of Roumania (providing for the reciprocal protection of trademarks was conclude andhsigned by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Bucharest, on the day of March, one thousand nine hundred and six, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Roumanian languages is word for word as follows: · The United States of America Statele-Unite ale Americei si m*;;’;},*';}l“({k{,i!§§°;“d and His Majesty the King of Ron- Maiestatea Sa Regele Romaniei S‘*“€S· mania being desirous of securing dorind a asigura o protectiune dea complete and etfective protection plina si folositére industriei manu—· of the manufacturing industry of facturale a cetatenilor si supusilor I the citizens and subjects of the two celor done tari, subsemnatii, autocountries, the undersigned, being rizati in regula spre acest sfirsit, duly authorized to that effect, have s’af1 invoit asupra dispozitiunilor agreed upon the following pro- urmatérez visions: _ Aizrrcmz I Aarrconm. I The citizens and subjects of each Cetatenii si supusii uneia din c,§;§,§§Q)‘}°gLg§§;‘0‘§ of the high contracting parties inaltele parti contractante se vor "Y· shall enjoy in the dominions and bucura in Statele si posesiunile possessions of the other the same celeilalte, in ce priveste protec- _ rights as are given to native citi- tiunea marcilor de fabrica si de zens or subjects in matters relating comert, de aceleasi drepturi ca si to trade-marks. nationalii. ARTICLE II ARTICOLUL II In order to secure to their marks Spre a asigura marcilor lor pro- an%¤gég{x*s;{sgng>l¤W¤ the protection stipulated for by tectiunea prevézuta prin articolul _ the preceding article, American precedent, cetatenii americani in citizens in the Kingdom of Ron- Regatul Romaniei si supusii R0-