Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/383

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rnocirxnxrioss, woe. 5203 Xotice of the drawings, stating the name of each applicant and ,ng°“°° M ‘““W' number assigned to him by the drawing, will be posted each day at ` the place of drawing, and each applicant will be notified of his number and of the day upon which he must make his entry by a postal card mailed to him at the address given by him at the time of registratio11. The result of each day’s drawing will also be given to the press to be published as a matter of news. Applications for homestead entry of said lands during the first sixty days following the opening can be made only by registered applicants and in the order established by the drawing. _ Commencing on Monday, July 16, 1906, at 9 o’clock a. ni., the appli- ,,,.,§l‘§§ ‘},Y,§’,§§§‘§§§? cations of those drawing numbers 1 to 125, inclusive, must be presented at the land office in Billings, Montana, in the land district in which said lands are situated, and will be considered in their numerical order during the first day, and the applications of those drawing numbers 126 to 250, inclusive, must be presented and will be considered in their numerical order during the second day, and so on at that rate until all of said lands subject to entry under the homestead law, _ and desired thereunder, have been entered. If any applicant fails to appear and present his application for entry when the number assigned to him by the drawing is reached, his right to enter will be passed until after the other applications assigned for that day have V been disposed of, when he will be given another opportunity to make entry, failing in which he will be deemed to have abandoned his right . to make entry under such drawing. To obtain the allowance of a homestead entry, each applicant must re €;§t1;;g},;¤*°¤ °‘ personally present the certificate of registration theretofore issued to g ` him, together with a regular application and the necessary accompanying proofs, together with the regular land office fees, but an hon- . orably discharged soldier or sailor may file his declaratory statement . through his agent, who can represent but one soldier or sailor as in Y the matter of registration. r Persons who make homestead entry for any of the ceded lands will P“Y‘“°“°“·/ be required to pay four dollars per acre, payment in all cases to bc made as follows: One dollar per acre at the time of entry, and the y remainder to be paid in four equal, annual installments, the first installment to be paid at the end of the second year. Upon all en· . tries the usual fee and commissions shall be paid, as provided for in the homestead laws on lands the price of which is one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. _ _ F { It In case any entryman fails to make the payments herein provided °r ° `"°’ for, or any of them, promptly when due, all rights in and to the lands covered by his or her ent shall at once cease, and any avments theretofore made shall be Ifiirfeiled, and the entry shall be lield ` for cancellation and canceled, and the land embraced therein shall thereupon be subject to entry at the price and upon the terms above set forth. Lands entered under the town—site and mineral land laws shall be paid for in amount and manner as provided by said laws, but in no case at a less price than that fixed for such lands if entered under the homestead laws. The production of the certificate of registration will be dispensed p"§§2f§§f°“ °‘ ‘*" with only upon satisfactory proof of its loss or destruction. If at the time of considering his regu ar application for entry it appears that an applicant is disqualified from making homestead entry of these lands, his application will be rejected, notwithstanding his prior registration. any applicant shall register more than once hereunder, or in any other than his true name, or shall transfer his registration certificate, he will thereby lose all the benefits of the regstration and drawing herein provide for, and will be precluded om entering ,