Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/295

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1905. · 3133 IN WITNESS YVHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of \Vashington this 25th day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five, and of [SEAL.] the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirtieth. · . Tunoooim Roosnvmzr By the President: ALVEY A. TXDEE . 0 ‘ Acting Secretary of State. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or AMERIGA. Juiy 25,1905. ‘ A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, The Sierra Forest Reserve, in the State of California, T 11 ¤ Sierra For- . was established by proclamation dated February fourteenth, eighteen esigiisditigf Cn · hundred and ninety-three, under and b virtue. of section twenty- g·}¥§§· four of the Act of Congress, approved lilarch third, eighteen hun-'` dred and ninety-one, entitled, "An act to re al timber-culture laws, and for other purposes ", which provides, “ 'llliat the President of the United States may, from time to time set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having public land bearing forests, in any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the estab- ‘ lishment of such reservations and the limits thereof ”; And whereas, the boundary lines of the said forest reserve were changed and enlarged by the Act of Congress, approved February V°*· 33· P- 7°2· seventh, nineteen hundred and five, entitled, "An Act To exclude from the Yosemite National Park, California, certain lands therein described, and to attach and include the said lands in the Sierra Forest Reserve "; And whereas, it is further provided by the Act of Congress, ap- von. 30,p. ae. proved June fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety~seven, entitled, “An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Gov·· eminent for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and for other purposes ”, that “The President is hereby authorized at any time to modify any Executive order that has been or may hereafter be made establishing any forest reserve, and by such modification may reduce the area or change the boundary lines of such reserve, or may vacate altogether any order creating such reserve ”; which authority to change the boundary lines of forest reserves by Executive proclamation was extended. by the aforesaid act of Congress, approved February seventh, nineteen hundred and five, to the lands thereby included in and made a part of the Sierra Forest Reserve; And whereas, it appears that the public good would be promoted by including within the said forest reserve certain additional lands in the State of California which are in part covered with timber; Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the ‘United Area mcdiaed. States, by virtue of the power in me vested by the aforesaid acts of Congress. do hereby make known and proclaim that the boundary lines of the said Sierra Forest Reserve are hereby further changed so as to read as follows: