Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/25

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TREATY—NORWAY. DECEMBER 10, 1904. 2865 Treaty between the United States and Nomvay amending the extradition De°°’”*’°" 1°» 19°4· treaty of Jane 7, 18.93, between the two countries. Signed at Wrash- V ington, December 10, 1904; rag/ication advised by the Senate, January 6, 1905; ratified by the resident, April 1, 1905 ,· ratfed by Sweden and Jllorway, February 3, 1905; ratiflcations exchanged at Washington, April 4, 1905 ,· proclaimed, April 6, 1905. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES or ANIERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and His P’°¤mbl¤· , Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway amending the last paragraph E of Article II of the Treaty of Extraditmn between the United States and Norway, concluded June 7, 1893, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the tenth da of December, one thousand nine hundred and four, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Norwegian languages is word for word as follows: `Whereas the Kingdom of Nor- Da der i kongeriget Norge er €¤¤¢r¤<=¢i¤s parties way has enacted a new penal code, udfaerdi et en ny straifelov, som taking effect January 1, 1905, by traeder §<raft 1 januar 1905, ved 1 which the penalty of imprison- hvilken strafarten strafarbeide er ment at hard labor is abolished, afskatfet, har Axnerikas F orenede the United States of America and Stater og Hans Majestwt Kongen His Majesty`the King of Sweden af Sverige og Norge anseet det and Norway have deemed it expe- tjenligt at slutte en traktat, som dient to conclude a treaty amend- under hensyn hertil zendrer udiug, in this respect, the treaty of leveringstraktaten slnttet mellem extradition concluded between the de samme hoie kontraherende same High Contracting Parties on garter den 7 juni 1893, og har i V<~*·2*·r>·11¤?- June 7, 1893, and have appointed net oiemed udnsevnt folgende "` for that purpose the following hefuldmeegtigede: Plenipotentiaries: The President of the United Amerikas Forenede Staters *’*€*¤*P<>*€¤¤¤iMi¢>¤- States of America, John Hay, Praesident, John Hay, Amerikas Secretary of State of the United Forenede Staters Statssecretair; States of America; and og His Majesty the Kinrrof Sweden Hans Majestaet Kongen af and Norwa , J. A. W? Grip, His Sverige og Norge, J. A. XY. Majesty’s hlnvoy Extraordinary Grip, Hans Majestsets Envoyé and Minister Plenipotentiary to Extraordinaire og Ministre Plenithe United States of America; potentiaire i Amerikas Forenede Stater; Who, after having communi- som efter at havemeddelt hinancated to each other their respective den sine respektive fuldmagter, full powers, found in good and der fandtes i god og tilborlig