Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/96

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66 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 953, 954. 1906. County, Minnesota, for the development of water power, and such works and strtugstuges m conneptipn tléerewith asdmayzhléeurzggeslasiiaigy cg? ` to said ower an in z n P•‘°”**°*· t>h:vp5on::i· tliereb dlgdlblpifdlz Provides, That the plans for the consphcbvgdbgwu m struction of said dhm and a purtenant works shall be submitted to and ` a proved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War before th)e commencement of tlne cogsgiictiegn of] the same: Andpmgnded M°°“*°°“°“ °* ther That th id Wil iam . urp y IS successors or assigns s a ph"` . not deviate film? such plans after such approval, either before or,afte1· the completion of said structures, pgless thei modifdcagigp of sand pliin; shall h1 be bmi to an rece1ve e approva o the Chid? gflglghcglihg-ers hhdsldf the Secretary of War: And $*¤*°°"*Y· further, That there shall be placed and maintained in connection with said dam a sluiceway so arranged as to permit logs, timber, and lumber to pass around, through, or over said dam without unreasonable delay or hindrance and wi out toll or charges: Anelpwwzdedfurthw, “"*· That the dam shall be so constructed that the Governmlpnt of lthe U `ted State a t an time construct in connection therewit a suriltable locksfdli rlagrigatibn purdposes, and may at any time, without compensation, control the said am so far as shall be necessary for ses of navigation, but shall not destroy the water power develmoby said dam and structures to any greater extent than may be vhnnss _ necessary to provide proper facilities for nav1gation, and that the Secretary 0 War may at any time require and enlforce at the expepse olf the owners such modincations and changes in the construction o suc . dam as he may deem advisable in the interests of navigation: And “'“""" further, That suitable fishways, to be approved by the United ` tates F1sh Coénmission, Shall belponitlgucted and maintained at said dam by the said William . Murp ysuccessors or assigns. umm Sue. 2. That in case an liti dor; arises from the building of said Y ?" dam, or from the obstruction o said river by said dam or appurtenant works, cases may be tried in the proper courts, as now provided for that puigse in the State of Minnesota and in the courts of the United M 1.,,,, uq; States: ° , That nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to •¤¤¤*°d· repeal or modify any of the provisions of law now existing in reference to thef protelrition of the navigation of rivers, or to exempt said structures rom the operation of same. u°°,Y“° d °°°'"°°' Sec. 3. That this Act shall be null and void unless the dam herein authorized be commenced within one year and be completed within three years from the time of the dpassage of this Act. ‘“"°"°"‘°‘"” Sinoé!. That the right to amen or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserv . Approved, March 16, 1906. umn 17- 1°°°· CHAP. 954.-—An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge between Fort [11. 11. awa;

 Snelling Reservation and Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Resentateves 0 the United mF“****PP*I“'°F· States of America in Oongreas assembled, Tm the Secreta of War Bridge authorized , ry ggzgsghpeawgéeggaggz be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to construct a_ bridge md ,5, pm, Mlm ggrozsfthei Mlgssissippg River; begwesn £`ortdSn(;zlhngtBResewa;:1on and l in au , i mneso , so as o a or sa ean a equa means or com- _ _ munication and trans rtation of troo s and supplies for military pur- ·,fg{§}},§"{,§i'f{égf“g°“· poses to and from lldrt Snelling Military Reservation, and for the pagsage of vehicles ofl all_k1n{ls, including cars operated by electricity, _ _ _ , ani o passengers an amma s. ‘ S°‘°°"°“ "‘““°*“'°‘ Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War shall select the site for such U"’ °i°l° “°"°°'"°‘ budge and for all approaches and abutments thereof, and is authorized