Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/938

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908 F1F'1`Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1134. 1907. ,uI,·{{_‘;{,§,?°‘,’jQ“¥'““'°‘ Sec. 31. That for the preservation of the peace and in order that arrests may be made for crimes under the laws of the States and Territories of the United States where the various immigrant stations are lplceipedé the ogicers in lpharge of séich stations, as occapion may riquirc, s a a mit therein the ro er tate and munici a officers c ar ed with the enforcement of diiclihaws, and for the puriposc of this secgon the jurisidiction of such officers and of the local courts shall extend over suc stations. ,,f,';,%‘,';:,°g!f" "“°'“ Sec. 32. That the Commissioner-General of Immigration, under the direction or with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, shall prescribe rules for the entry and inspection- of aliens along the borders of Canada and Mexico, so as not to unnecessarily delay, impede, or annoy passengers in ordinary travel between the United States and said countries, and shall have power to enter into contracts with transportation lines for the sa1d purpose. _ __Q,*>;;jg,¤gQs°,*éf¥,¤¤ Sec. That for the purpose of this Act the term “United States " ‘ as used in the title as well as in the various sections of this Act shall be construed to mean the United States and any waters, territory, or other place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, except the Isthmian

 cud Canal Lone: Hwided, That if any alien shall leave the canal zone and

zone. attempt to enter any other place under the jurisdiction of the United States, nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as permittin hjm to enter under any other conditions than those applicable to all a iens. ,¤f °j,°%e*;j Sec. 34. That the Commissioner-General of Immigration, with the o¤·1e•¤s,1.¤. approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, may appoint a commissioner of immigration to discharge at New Orleans, Louisiana, Sie duties now required of other commissioners of immigration at cir respective posts. P°"‘°“"*’°"“‘?°“· _` Sec. 35. The the deportation of aliens arrested within the United States after entry and found to be illegally therein, provided for in this Act, shall he to the trans-Atlantic or trans-Pacilic ports from which said aliens embarked for the United States; or, if such embarkation was for foreign contiguous territory, to the forcign port at _ which said aliens embarked for such territory. ,,}’,§}’,9,,":‘Qf{"*;_,,,,}‘,,’}},Q§,?‘f Sec. 36. That all aliens who shall enter the United States except at ew- 2-lie seaports tgeiigpg, or at stiich plétce oi; ppaces the @cregaHy pg ommerce an or ma * rom 1me o ime esi ma s a · _,,,,,_ Pp_ mi, tm adjudged to have entered the country unlawfully and shall at deported mnnd Mmm as provided by sections twenty and twenty-one of this Act: Pr0zv`ded, myers. That nothing contained in this section shall aHect the power conferred ""’ "‘ by section thirty-two of this Act upon the C()H1D1lSS1OIlCP—G€H€THl of Immigration to prescribe rules for the entry and inspection of aliens _ along the borders of Canada and Mexico. ‘ ,,f$Q“,}l,;°’,,§’,f,,':,§,§},’,; Sec. 37, That whenever an alien shall have taken up his permanent <¤i—¤¤»—¤¤—- residence in this country, and shall have filed his declaration of intention to become a citizen, and thereafter shall send for his wife, or minor children to join him, if said wife or any of said children shall befound to be affected with any contagious disorder. such wife or children shall be held, under such regulations as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall prescribe, until it shall be determined whether T _ _ I t the disorder will be easily curable, or whether they can be permitted ,,m{"’*j"’°” "’ °“‘ to land without danger other fpersons; and they shall not be either A¤·¤¤·¤¤¤¤. admitted or deporte until such acts have been ascertained; and if it shall be determined that the disorder is easily curable or that they can be permitted to land without danger to other persons, they shall, if Ammhms uc otherwise admissible, thereupon be admitted. p,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8;,,,,, ·· Sac: 38. That no person who disbelieves in or who is opposed to all organized governmept, or who xs a member of or_atfil1ated withany organization entertaining and teaching such disbelief in or opposition