Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/887

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.r11rrY-N11~1·;rn conemcss. sm. 11. ons. ess, eso. ism. 857 within_ sixty days after the pegssuge of this Act the Commissioners of the District of Columbia , and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the supreme court of the District of Columbia aproceeding in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary for the extension of Harvard street, Columbia. Heights in a straight line, with a width of sixtg feet, more or less, to Sixteenth street northwest, ` upon such lines as theC0mmissioners of the District of Columbia may deem most advantageous to the abutting ro rt . Sec. 2. That assessments shall be made by the jury as benefits as j;j”'¤§g}¤· contemplated in section four hundred and ninety-one of the sub- 'p` ` chapter of the Code hereinbefore referred to: Provided, gfhat the total M “_ amount found to be due and awarded as damages, plus the cost and sesscdubéneuéi pgpepses of the proceedings, shall be assessed by the said jury as ne ts. Sec. 3. That the sum of three hundred dollars, or so much thereof ex*;gg·'g’*““°“ *°" as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, to provide the necessary funds for the cost and expenses of the condemnation proceedingls taken pursuant hereto, to be re id to the District of Columbia from the assessment for benefits when th: same are collected, and a sufficient sum to pay the amounts l"*Y"’°“°°“"°“"· of all judgments and awards is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Approved, January 22, 1907. . CHAP. 390.-An Act To extend Fourth street northeast. Japlpag Be it enacted hq the Senate and House of Representatives of the United [i>¤u1¤,¤¤.w.] States of America ein Cbngress assembled, That under and in accordance Districtof commms. with the provisions of sections four hundred and ninety-one a to four ,,€{_’“'l‘l‘“°'°°'“°'l°` hundred and ninety-one n, both inclusive, of subchapter one of chapter fofggfeeggggg l¤¤¤ fifteen of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia, within thirty Am, p. m.` days after the passage of this Act the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the supreme court of the District of Columbia a proceeding in rem to condemn the land that ma be necessary for the extension of Fourth street northeast northward fiom its present termination near Franklin street extended, through the Frederick Rose tract to Hamlin street extended. _ Sec. 2. That assessments shall be made by the jury as benefits as j:;jQ¤¢{g$#· contemplated in section four hundred and ninety-one g of the sub-` ` chapter of the Code hereinbefore referred to: l’rov£ded, That tho wufggk me W total amount found to be due and awarded as damages, plus the cost sesscd as benem}. and expenses of the jroceedings, shall be assessed by the said jury as • benelits: And provided further, That the ]ury in their assessments of déggmfg 0,°‘;Q:l§f{ damages and benefits shall consider the circumstances and conditions ppc atm Meuopous under which an alleged dedication was made through what was known “"'·° °‘ as the Frederick Rose property, being parts of lots eight and nine, Metropolis View, and shall further consider the fact that certain improvements were made by the District of Columbia because of the alleged dedication through said property, and shall also consider the benefits to said property by reason of said improvements. Sac, 3. That the sum of tllréo hundred dollars, or so much thereof Apggvrlnrion for as may be necessary', is hereby Bpcpfopflufcd out of the revenues of me °' the District of Columbia, to provide the necessary funds for the costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hereto, to be repaid to the District of Columbia from the assessment for boneiits when the same are collected: and a sufficient sum todpay the rameumruwms. amounts of all judgments and awards is hereby appropriate out of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Approved, January 22, 1907.