Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/863

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 28-30. 1906. 833 Columbia, exclusive of marine hospitals, mints, branch mints, and assay offices, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six. Approved, J ime 11, 1906. [No.s29rgm,Toint Resolution To supply a deficiency in an appropriation for the ·{,§f‘§_1§r [Pub. Res., N0. 29.] Resobved by the Senate wml House 0; Rripresentatehaes of the United States of America in Congress asa , hat there is hereby appro- Posmlservice. priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, pnlfaigiimigi aiiiigisb the sum of eighty thousand dollars, to supply a deficiency in the appro- ;*g,*}*°P°* md '"W priation for the manufacture of stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappers for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. Approved, June 13, 1906. No. 30. Joint Resolution Providin for ment for dredg1n' the nel and J¤¤¤ 14. 1906 anldhorageliasin between Ship Island Hgrborliiiild Gulfport, Misiéppi, alglduior other [H- J· R· 1°°·l purposes. I [1>u¤.1z¤¤., No. so.] Vlrhereas on the twentieth day of February, armo Domini nineteen Preamble. hundred and one, a contract was entered into between Major W. T. Rossell, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, by and in behalf of the United States of America, and Swcer S. Bullis, for dredging a channel and anchorage basin in 'ssissippi Sound between Shi Island Harbor and Gulfport, Missi sippi, w ich contract was mad; in accordance with a provision of the river and harbor act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, authorizing the pay- ment of the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for securin a specified width and a depth of nineteen feet in such channel ang} anchorage basin; and . Whereas under said contract, for several years past, the said channel and anchorage basin have been dredged to the a proximate depth and width re uired in said contract, and the said channel is now and has been available for use byruyessels drawing nineteen feet of water and more: Now, therefore, it Resolved by the Senate and House of R•¥v·¢atatives of the United States ofzlmerica in Uongress assembled, That the Secretary of the $_p¤¤cex-s.pu¤1x¤.f Treasury, or other proper _0iiicer of the United States, be, and he is .m3§.'§°" .,p,S‘,;,,§f hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Spencer S. Bullis, with fgféhdméjgr 5;*3 whom said contract was made, 01‘ to l11S assigns or agents now author- Guyfport, Mi . ized to receive yment as aforesaid, the contract price for dredging }.§,,_3Q; said channel andaanchorage basin, to wit, the sum of one hundred an fifty thousand dollars, being the amount heretofore appropriated by Congress and now in the Treasurv for payment for the work included in said contract; and it is declared to be the intention of Congress that so much of said contract as relates to securing the depth and width of said channel and anchorage basin provided for therein shall be regarded as complied with at the date of the taking effect of this reso ution: [4,-guided, That the said amount shall not be paid over-to the Said mg; M use m Spencer S. Bullis, or other person or persons as aforesaid, until the wlmrves,etc. rson or persons, companies, or corporations owning or controlling dgcks. wharves, or terminals in, along, or upon said basin, or connected directly or indirectly therewit ., shal execute an agreement that the charges for the use of said docks, wharves, and terminals shall be such as the Secretary of War may from time to time approve. Sec. 2. That this resolution shall take effect and be in force from mm. and after its passage. Approved, Jnne 14., 1906. vox. xxxrv, PT 1-53