Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/841

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3933. 1906. 811 of them, fixing the date and place of holding the same, mailed, postage prepaid, to the post—office address of each shareholder not less than ten days previous to the calling of such meeting, shall be deemed sufficient notice of such meeting. Sec. 7. That the directors of said company, a majority of whom P¤W¤¤¤<>f<iir¤¤wr¤· shall constitute a quorum, shall hold office until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. They shall elect a president, secretary, and treasurer and may provide for such other officers and employees as may be deemed advisable, and may make by-laws for the control and management of the works, property, and business of the said company. Sec. 8. That the main office of the company shall be at the city of Mm <>m¤¢· Pittsbur h, in the State of Pennsylvania, and the annual meeting of the sharéiolders shall be held on the third Tuesday of January in each ` year. Sec. 9. That Congress hereby reserves the right to regulate, as to m'{e<;¤¤· f¤r¤¤. and interstate and foreign commerce, the tolls, fares, and rates to be mgm to regulate charged by said company for the use of said canals; and the said com- "°’°"°d· pany and the said canals and all interstate and foreign transportation thereon shall be subject to all the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate commerce,” approved February fourth, eighteen hun- V°1·2"· Pd"- dred and eighty-seven, and all Acts supplemental thereto and amend- -4Me,1>-584- atory thereof, now or hereafter enacte . Sec. 10. That the company is hereby empowered to survey, ascer— §f,§‘§{_‘;f,f“”“· tain, locate, fix, mark, and determine a route for a ship canal from some point on the Ohio River, between Beaver, Pennsylvania, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; thence by the way of the Ohio, Beaver, and Mahoning rivers in the State of Pennsylvania, and the Mahoning River in the State of Ohio, to a point at or near Niles, Ohio; thence northwardly through the State of Ohio to an accessible harbor on Lake Erie. between the Pennsylvania and Ohio State line and the mouth of . the Grand River, in the State of Ohio, including said river, also a B’“°°*’°‘°°l· branch canal from the mouth of the Shenango River, in the State of Pennsylvania; thence along the Shenango River to a point at or near Sharon, Pennsylvania; also a branch canal from a point at or near Niles, Ohio; thence along the Mahoning River in the State of Ohio to a point at or near Warren, Ohio; and thereupon and therein to erect, construct, maintain, and operate such canals; the said main canal con- Diriwnswnsofmnin necting the Ohio River and Lake Erie to be of such dimensions ns to °°"" ° make and construct navigable channels of at least twelve feet in depth and having a standard cross section of not less than one thousand eight hundred square feet of area; to construct, maintain. and operate all locks. <ism¤.¤resuch locks, dams, towpaths, basins, tunnels, aqueducts, feeders to supply water from any lakes, rivers. streams, or water courses, reservoirs, cuttings, apparatus, appliances, and machinery as may be necessary for the construction and operation of said canals: and such I ¤£¤¤¤¤r¢¤¤¤¢ 0i locks on such main canals shall not be ess than three hundred and forty °° B` feet long between quoins, not less than forty-five feet wide between lock walls. and not less than twelve feet depth of water over miter sills, and (between the Ohio River and Lake Erie the total lockage Toullocknze. shall not exceed six hundred feet. _ _ ‘ Sec. 11. That the said company, in the exercise of its right of emi- m§;g§*°*°m¤°¤°°°_ nent domain as granted in section two of this Act may, at its own AM¤.1>-810- expense and subject to and in conformity with the laws of the States, res ctively, through which said canals H13}' be constructed, enter upon andiake such lands as are necessary and proper for the making, maintaining, and operating of the canals, feeders, and other works_of the _ company hereby authorlzéd, Mid It shall have the authority, at its own gigs_" expense and subject to and in 00nfoI‘m1ty with the laws of the States, Authority m mer, , · · , granted. respectively, through Which sand Canals may be constructed, to alter