Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/82

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52 FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 517. 1906. March 6, 1906 CHAP. 517.—An_ Act To authorize the construction of dams and power stations lH· R' 297*] on the Tennessee River at Muscle Shoals, Alabama. [Public. N0. ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0j`li’q}resentatives of t ie United Q? m}'(°,§_,;ck,—States of Ame¢~ica in Congress assembled, l`hat any person, company, ¤=<>•¤¤· Ul-, •¤¤¤<¤· or corporation having authority therefor under the laws of the State m:,,',, ,, M, of Alabama may hereafter erect, maintain, and use a dam or dams ID _ 7 l or across the Tennessee River, in the State of Alabama, at such points at Muscle Shoals as they may elect, and the Secretary of War may · approve, between a point on the southern side of the river opposite to, or below the head or opening of the canal constructed by the bmted ` States on the north side of the river, on the east, and the western 11ne 0,*-‘¤¤¤:•;¢:'¤g§“¥:;¤l¤¤-· of section sixteen, township three, range_ ten on the west, for the pur- °° pose of erecting, operating, and maintaining power station and to ma1n- tain inlet and outlet races or canals and to make such other improvements on the southern bank of the Tennessee River, between the two points above mentioned, as may be necessary for the development of water power and the transmission of the same, subject always to the provisions and requirements of this Act, and to such conditions and stipulations as may be imposed by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War for the {protection of navigation an the property and Sm-; w·· ·<» °"l§"` i"5°"ii°T€ {li d"li°d i°““€i; t t- d t- f ° mc. . a e 18 ans or e cons ruc ionan 0 raiono a mmmp em dam or dams and other agpurtenant and necessary workspslhall be submitted by the person, com any, or cor ration desiring to construct the same to the Chief of Eiigineers andptlhe Secretary of War, with a map showing the location of such dam or other structures with such topographical and hydrographic data as may be necessary for a satisfactory understanding o the same, which must be approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War before work can be commenced on said dam or dams or other structures; and after such approval of said plans, no deviation whatsoever therefrom shall be made without first obtaining)the approval of the Chief of En ineers ,§*;g*,jg•r;mm mv, and the Secretary of War: mvided, That the constructions hereby gmon. authorized do not interfere with the navigation of Muscle Shoals Canal or the navigation of the Tennessee River: And p¢·ovidedfln·t}zer, R°¤°¤°**°“*~ That said dam or dams and works shall be limited only to the use of the surplus water of the river, not required for the navigation of the Muscle Shoals Canal or the Tennessee River, and that no structures shall be built and no oplerations conducted by those availing themselves of the provisions of t is Act which shall injure or interfere with the navigation of the Muscle Shoals Canal or impair the usefulness of any improvement made by the Government in the interest of navigation. 1**- °'°- Sec. 3. That the Government of the United States reserves the right, _ at any time that the improvement of the navi ation of the Tennessee ‘ River demands it, to construct, maintain, and operate, in connection with any dam or other works built under the provisions of this Act, suitable lock or locks or any other structures for navigation purposes, and at all times to control such dam or dams or other structures, and the level of the pool caused by such dam or to such an extent as may be necessary to provide facilities for navi ation; and whenever Congress shall authorize the construction of such lock or other structures, the person, company, or corporation owning and controlling such dam or dams or other structures shall convev to the U nitcd States, under such terms as Congress shall prescribe, titles to such land as mav be required for the use of such lock and approaches, and in adclitioh ` thereto shall grant to the United States, free of cost, the free use of P""’“°· water power for building and operating such constructions: [)7‘O’UI./{607 ”•¤•¤=¤· also, That the person, company, or corporation building, maintaining, or operating any dam or dams or other structures under the provisions of this Act shall be liable for any damage that may be inflicted thereby