Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/819

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 3916,3917. 1906. 789 examination and of his recommendation thereon, and the reasons therefor, which shall be accompanied by the originahproplosals, and all maps, plats, and statements which shall have come into IS possession relatingto the said (proposed sites. ` Sec. 27. hat all buil ings authorized to be constructed, enlarged, p,f,’,i$,j,§f°*’ *°i m or extended under the provisions of this Act shall be unexposed to danger from fire by an open pee of at least forty feet on each side, _ includin streets and alleys: · ovided, That in exceptional cases and §;'f,';“‘g,m, 005 . . . p cues. for g cause shown the Secretary of the Treasury may, m his discretion, reduce the open space to less than forty feet and to any dimensions which he shall deem sufficient to aiford fire protection. Sec. 28. That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal *““‘*“"“‘°“‘· this Act. Sec. 29. That all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict herewith are wggggil of ww i¤ hereby repealed. Approved, June 30, 1906. CHAP. .—- A Mak' it' of rtai bl'·b `ldi th , .1 by Jil? smféveitJm"€§f3§E€§FE?¤2‘£'ée¤°L?.$.d.e?¤".1‘¤d";—.s‘f‘.’ig?`0“L“0t»§’.;‘} ‘liiT‘ié‘°¤é¥‘I§ purposes. [Public, No. 886.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That there is hereby appro- Appropriations to priated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated f,Q,§,§g’bQ§f,,,f;‘;2’,Y' , toward amounts requisite for public buildings authorised under the A»¢¤.p·'¤2. provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to increase the limit of cost of certain public buildings, to authorized the pnpchasefof spies ppllnhc b 'ldin toauthorize theerection an comp etiouo pu 10 gs aihll forgdther purposes? Approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred dme : mU;£rItl1e plnvisions and limitations of section one of said Act as mgisiwed limit of f Il : -4~¢.p.m. dolfdhlgomery, Alabama, post—0iiice and court-house, twelve thousand M¤¤*8¤¤¤¤¤n AM- 0(Jllgtfordsville, Indiana, post-oliice, fifteen thousand dollars. °¤W*<>¤i¤*m¢·¥¤¤· Saint Paul, Minnesota, post-office, court-house, and custom-house, sum Pautmmn. fift th d d llars. (l'0lu1(;lll)?:·:lMlS)SOUId, post-office, ten thousand dollars. c¤1¤mm»,M¤. Saint Joseph, Missouri, post-office, fifty thousand dollars. s¤1nm»»pn,n0. Atlantic City, New Jersey, post—oii‘i<·e, five thousand dollars. Atlantic cny, N..:, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, p0St·0fi10e and custom-house, seven Penn Amboy, rz.; th d d ll r.·. glblglexsvillg, New York, p0st·0ilice, six thousand dollars. G1¤vmvi11e,>:.Y. Rochester, New York, post-office, thirty thousand dollars. _ m>¤1¤e¤m,x.Y. New §<;1rl§lCity, New ork, cust0m—h0uSe, four hundred and fifty gsyoxggé th ., s. (i2l1’l:;ltonfSal;m, North Carolina, post—office, five thousand dollars. Wi¤=¤>¤·S¤¤¢¤¤·N-<>- Allentown, Pennsylvania, post-office, five thousand dollars, ·¤l¤¤¤>W¤»*’¤- Westchester, Pennsylvania., p0St—0H‘ice, twenty thousand dollars. W°¤*¤h°¤°°*· P¤· Deadwood,·South Dakota, p0St·0iH0e and court-house, twelve thou- D¤¤dW¤°d· S- mksa d d ll . {Tan;;:? South Dakota, post-office, fifteen hundred dollars. Y¤¤k*°¤· S- mk- Dallas, Texas, post-oflice, fifteen thousand dollprs, f h d d Rurlmgton, Vermont, post-office and custom- ouse, orty thousand · 0B;;l>oo, `Wfisconsin, post-0f5GB, twenty-five hundred dollars. :’°*¤b°°·¥i*· \Vausau, Wisconsin, post-0E0e and land oiirice, twenty thousand ¤¤¤¤¤» *•» dollars.