Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/742

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712 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3914. 1906. entrance, Prince William Sound, Alaska, twenty-tive thousand dollars; and the total cost of said light and fog-signal station, under a contract which is hereby authorizpd therefor shall not exceed one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. mI1;¤g*;;?¤¤¤<> ¤¤¤¤¥> LIGHT-HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT. S¤1>1¤¤•=¤· ew- Surrmms or LIGHT-HOUSES! For supplying fog signals, light-houses, and other lights with illuminating, cleaning, preservative,fand) sriph other materials as ma be re uired for annual consum tion; or oo s, boats, and furniture lor stahions, traveling expensespof civjlliau merp- . bers of Li ht—House Board in attending meetings of boar at Was - ington, and not exceeding three hundred dollars for the purchase of technical and professional books and periodicals for the use of the Light—House Board, and for all other necessary incidental expenses, including the pay of officers and crews of lighthouse tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and lighé-houlee enggigepirand at lighthouse depots, five hundred and twenty- ve thousand dollars. R¤I>¤ir¤. ew- Rnrxms or 1.IeH*r—HoUsns: For repairing, protecting, and improving light-houses and buildings; -for improvements to grounds connected therewith; for establishing and repairing da marks and pierhead and other beacon lights, including purchase of land for same; for illuminating apparatus and machinery to replace that already in use; construction of necessary outbuildmgs, at a cost not exceeding two hundred dollars at any one light station in any fiscal year; and for all other necessary incidental expenses relating to these various objects, including the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the light-house inspectors and light-house engineers and at lighthouse depots, seven hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Keepers salaries. SALARIES or KEEPERS OF LIGHT—HOUSESZ For salaries, fuel, rations, rent of quarters where necessary, and all other necessary incidental expenses of not exceeding one thousand six hundred and fifty lighthouse and fog-signal keepers and laborers attending other lights, eight hundred and seventyhve thousand dollars. mgm vessels. Exrmxsrxs OF LIGHT VESSELS2 For seamen’s wages, rations, repairs, salaries, supplies, and tem orary employment and all other necessary incidental expenses of li Et vessels, mcluding the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the lighthouse inspectors and the light—house engineers and at light-house depots, six hundred thousand dollars. nueyuge. Exrnxsss or BUOYAGE: For expenses of establishing, replacing, and ‘ maintaining buoys of any and all kinds, and spindles, and for all other necessary incidental expenses relating thereto, including the pay of oflicers and crews of light—house tenders and of clerks and other employees in the offices of the lighthouse inspectors and light-house engineers and at hghthouse depots, six hundred thousand dollars. Fog sigma. xraxsss or Foo srciurs: For establishing, replacing, duplicating, and Improving fog slgnals including submarine signals, and buildings connected therewith, and for repairs, the purchase of land for sites for fog signals, and for all other necessarv incidental expenses' of the same, Including the pay of officers and crews of light-house tenders, and oi clerksi zandhpglier employees in téie offices of the lighthouse Inspec ors an 1 — ouse en meers an at i - , ; _ h V · hundred and ten thousand dolliirs. 7 gm house depot}, two .L*¥ mg mee- LIGHTING or RIVERS: For the pay of officers and crews of lighthouse tenders and of clerks and other employees IH the offices of the lighthouse inspectors; and for establishing, supplying, and maintaining post lights on the Hudson and East rivers, New York; the