Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/723

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FIFTYZNINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3913. 1906. 693 lars each, nine hundred and sixty dollars; in all, twenty-nine thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. .AGKICULTURAL nxrmzxunxrr snrrorzs: To carry into effect the ro- mQ,§“,,°g}§,'};_Q‘°’P°“‘ visions of an Act approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty- voi. 24, p, 440. seven, entitled "Arr Act to establish agricngtural experiment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several States under the provisions of an Act approved July second, eighteen hundred and V°1·"·’·'“· sixty-two, and of the Acts sup lementary thereto, and to enforce the execution thereof, eight hundred and three thousand five hundred dollars, twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars of which sum shall be payable upon the order of the Secretary of Agriculture, to enable F¤1¤¤¤¤¤ him to carry) out the provisions of section three o said Act of March v°1·“· “ “1· second, eig teen hundred and eighty-seven, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe the form of the annual financial statement °“"°"°"”““ required by section three of said Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven; shall ascertain whether the expenditures 1*¤r¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤- under the gppropriatiou hereby made are in accordance with the provisions of Act, and shall make report thereon to Congress; and the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to rent offices and to employ such assistants, clerks, and other persons as he may deem necessary, in the ciléy of Washington and elsewhere, and to incur such other expenses or office fixtures and supplies, stationery,trav— eling, freight and express charges, illustration of the Experiment Station Record, bulletins, and reports as he_may find essential in carry- ing out the objects of the above Acts; and the sums apportioned to the 5•Y*'*°”S° S“*°'· several States shall be paid chuarterly in advance. And the Secretary ciidxiiuu. of Agriculture is hereby authorized to furnish to such institutions or individuals as may care to buy them, copies of the card index of agricultural literature prepared by the Office of Experiment Stations, and charge for the same a price covering the additional expense involved in the reparation of these copies, and he is hereby authorized to apply the moneys received toward the expense of the preparation of the index, and this fund shall be available until used; and the ,,(;*n§_‘*°°"°“*‘¤l mr Secretar of Agriculture is hereby authorized to expend fifty-three P0*¤]1; thousand, dollars of which sum to establish and maintain ricul— °°' tural experiment stations in the Territories of Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico, including the erection of buildings, the printing (in Hawaii and Porto Rico), illustration and distribution of re rts and bulletins: Hrrvzided, That H0t 11101*0 than fifteen thousand dossrs shall be expended for the maintenance of such stations in any one of said Territories, except in the case of Alaska, where three thousand dollars additional may he used for the purchase and introduction of live stock for experimental purposes; and for the construction of buildings and the labor necessary for the care of the station animalsand in the case of Hawaii, where Eve thousand dollars additional may be used to rovide a water supply for the use of the experiment station; and) the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell such products as are obtained on the and belonging to the agricultural ex riment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico, and to apply tli: moneys received from the sale of such products to the maintenance of said stations, and this fund shall be available until used; in all, eight hundred and three thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That five thousand dollars of this sum shall be used by the f»¤¤•¤’ Secretary of Agriculture to investigate and report upon the organization and progress of farmers’ institutes and agricultural schools in the several States and Territories, and upon similar organizations in foreign countries, with special suggestions of plans and methods for making such organizations more effective for the dissemination of th_e results of the work of the Department of Agriculture and the agricultural experiment stations and of improved methods of agricultural