Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/686

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656 FIFIY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3912. 1906. EMP S¤¤i¤=· The Secreta of the Interior is hereby authorized_ and directed Lcggmes to Chem- pay to Edgar Slnith from any tribal funds of the Cherokee Nation in the Treasury of the United States the sum of five thousand dollars, in full for his services as attorney for said Nation in the Supreme Court of the United States, in a certain cause entitled “In the matter of the enrollment of persons claiming rghts in the Cherokee Nation by intermarria e versus United States: herokee Nation, Intervenor," more rticudarly described as numbers four hundred and nineteen to four hldnclred and twenty-two, inclusive, on the Calendar of sa1d Court. A¤¤Fi¤¤·¤*¤— The appropriation contained in the Act making appropmations for current and contingent expenses, and fulfilling treaty stipulations with Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, in behalf of Ann Francis, a Chippewa Indian woman, C1¤rk’¤ com is hereb extended to and made available for the payment of the esti- A"' °`m‘ mated cllerk’s costs in the case of Francis against rancis, pending in the United States Supreme Court, in addition to the purposes specified , in said Act. t,c’§P""“°“° °’ J'"' DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. ¤¤¤¤¤s¤¤¤ ¢¤P¤¤¤¤¤- For miscellaneous expenditures, including telegraphing, fuel, lights, foreign postage, labor, re irs of buildings, care of grounds, boo s of reference, riodicals,'and)bther necessaries, directly ordered by the Attorney-gneral, two thousand five hundred dollars. IM, ¢¤·¤¤8 ¤¤¤ i¤ Dmmmmo snrrs nw exams: For defraying the necessary expenses, including salaries of necessary employees in Washington, District of Columbia, incurred in the examination of witnesses and procuring of evidence in the matter of claims against the United States and in defending suits in the Court of Claims, including defense for the United States in the matter of French spoliation claims, to be expended under the direction of the Attorne -General, as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundyred and two, one hundred and fourteen dollars and forty cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, thirty-one dollars and ninety-four cents. Kew, -‘-·D¢•¤· Parmmmz ·ro Hmuar E. DEAN: For payment to Henry E. Dean for ` legal services rendered for the United States on April nineteenth, nineteen hundred and four, in cross-examining a witness in the case of Schwarzschild and Sulzberger Company versus H. A. Rucker, collector of internal revenue, fifteen dollars. ‘ yggummh Umrun Srryms nn., Amsm: The gud of the United States district court for the third division of the Tgtrict of Alaska is hereby authorized to order the clerk of said court to pay to the proper claimants, from court funds, the sum1 of six hundred and eighty-seven dollars and thirty-two cents, being the excess beyond the limit prescribed by law in the cost of the construction of the United States jail at Nushagak, Alaska. §};§{;§,; T°¤¥°"· _ PAYMENT ro Hmm T. Tascam; For payment to Hugh T. Taggart mfull for services rendered as special assistant to the Attorney—General in the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case commonly known as the "Potomac Flats" case, under appointment of January fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, hve thousand dollars. },f§;,§,‘{§"§g c_ Raman Scuoor., Wasmxe·roN, Drsrmcr or Cousmniaz The www- accounting officers of the Treasury are authorized and directed to allow in the accounts of S. YV. Curriden, treasurer of the Reform School, District of Columbia, payments heretofore made bv him in good faith to instructors in music and military exercises and for officers’ uniforms on first appointment, in accordance with the regulations of the board of trustees. _