Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/683

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FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3912. 1906. 653 ing recruiting parties in June and July, nineteen hundred and four, two hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixteen cents. To reimburse Lieutenant George T. Emmons, United States Navy, G°°‘"g° T· gor commutationTof quarters while serving on duty, under the Senate R·>im¤>¤r¤<~>¤¤¤¤r· ommittee on erritories in Alaska and Virashington from May twentvseventh, nineteen hundred and four, to March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and five, amounting to three hundred and twenty dollars and forty cents, which by an error in the wording of his clqcders has been deducted from his pay by an order of the Treasury partment. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. k}Qj,Qg;f‘“°“‘ °* the s omrrcn or SUPERINTENDEM or THE CAPITOL. C¤x>i¤>1· To reimburse William H. Green for loss of time and doctor’s fees on lQ§§Q,§,§,‘m§hg,f°“· account of injury from an accident while employed at the House of Representatives fhcc Building, two hundred and fifty dollars. To reimburse John Brady for loss of time and for doctor’s fees on ggsgggggent ’£"3“"Z ‘?tl."j`E"·Zé"3"é€23°i°‘2§‘J“ ‘“J'$ll‘i;“*'?5*l°""d `H"}§‘" thi S“"°*"` i n en o e n1 es pr u1 ings an roun s rn nine— teen hundred and five, two hundred and fifty dollars. For necessary improvements in the Senate kitchen, including laun- S¤¤¤¢·¤ kitchen. ewdry, refrigeration, construction of coldstorage room. metal tables, lockers, kitchen furniture, and ovens for baking, and so forth, not pixcepding seyenteenlthoéisaéid dgllars, to continue available during the sca. year nine een un re an seven. _ PATENT .oFmcn. U _ P¤*¢¤* 0**- ,For work to be done in producing the Official Gazette, including of¤•=i¤1G¤¤¤¤¤<>· the letterpress, the weekly, monthly, bimonthly, and annual indexes therefor exclusive of ex ired tents, fifteen thousand dollars. , P Pa INDIAN OFFICE_ India.!) ONCE!. For chief clerk of the Indian Office for the fiscal year nineteen hun- Chiefvlerkdred and seven, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. _ cnxnnan msn orricn. G¤¤¤r¤¤L¤¤d0f¤¤¤· To enable the Commissioner of the General Land Office to reproduce CjgQ[)‘;j=,{;_’f·¤**¤°’°'· byphomlithegraphyr or otherwise four thousand feight hlnndred and etgepngycgg gm. fif; -§ re co ies more or less, of the official plats o Unite States sur- Q _ · ` veyys cdnstitldting a part Of the I'8COI'dS Of the Office of the United States qua e u e or- eneral at San Francisco California, which were destro ed S rv y 2 . . X by earthquake and fire on April eigihteenth, nineteen hundred (and six, to i vailable during the fisca year nineteen hundred an seven iiifgdnntiliousand five hundred and sixt -five dollars, or so mucli for f be Y th . ma necessarv. Fg: pgymerit to certain United States deputy surveyors for surveys D¤P¤*YS°"°Y°”- and resurveys of public lands executed by them in certain States, necessary to complete the surveys under their contragts, being the ts f d due them by the Commissioner of the eneral Lan Cntlijrigj in aiibrbrdance with the rates as authorized in the Acts making appropriation for the survey and resurvey of public lands for the fiscal vears in which the work was executed, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered Six hundred and thirty-two, and Senate Document Numbered Five hundred and thirteen of this session, two thousand seven hundred and fourteen dollars and four cents.