Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/673

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3912. 1906. 643 ington Asylum, provided for in the District appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, which may remain unexpended after the completion of said work, is hereby made availablg borlilnstalling water-closets, urinals, and stationary wash basins in sai u1 ings. Wnrrs or LUNACY2 For additional amount required to defray the L“¤°°Y '""'* expenses attending the execution of writs de lunatico inquirendo and commitments thereunder, in all cases of indigent insane persons committed or sought to be committed to the Government Hospital for the Insane by order of the executive authority of the District of Columbia unhder th: pgovipions of existing llawhfoa thediiscal years ghatdfollow or the sca year nineteen un re an five nine un re a ninety-three dollars and seventy-five cents. ’ For tl: fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, three dollars and seventy- ve cents. For tge fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, one dollar and twenty- ve cents. _ hJtB0u1s:1¢·rs: Foii payment of the Judgments, mcluding cosltp, againss ·‘“"g‘“°“*·‘· t e istrict of Co umbia set fort in ouse ocuments umbere Eight hundred and sixty-bne, Eight hundred and seventy-tive, liiilght hundred and eighty-three, Eight undred and ninety-seven, and me hundred and seven of this session, sixty-nine thousand six hundred and sixty-three dollars and 'twenty cents, together with a further sum sufticient to pay the interest, at not exceeding four per centum, on said ]udgments, as provided by law, from the date the same became due ' · until the date of payment. · _ Mu.rr1x: For postage for strictly official mail matter, six hundred "““”"· and fifty dollars. , i _ To reimburse George H. Harries, brigadier-general commanding §§f the District of Colum ia Militia, for amounts paid to members of the engineer force of the naval battalion, National Guard, District of Columbia, for services rendered on board the United States ship Puritan dlpring the joipt Airipy andl bgavy magex;vers,g1une eighth to n` teen ineteen un r an ve, an or 0 er necessary exlpienses iilcildent thereto, seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and ` t -four cents. Suixirnrs; The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby f{£${•j,‘Il°-_,,,, m authorized and directed to pay, iérom the alppgopription for ‘ElAll3yT, Mm-k 6. D` tt fC lumbia,” the sum o one un re an seventy- 've 0 - lai·;,ri:lie(i1moi1nt due for services rendered by a jury in the matter of the condemnation of land for opening rife an alley in Btock Six, I plglesids, th eed' s of said jury aving en mac e nul an voi by the _ _ pagsggzcof sliidtct approved Februagy awenty-third, nineteen hundred ‘"‘· ‘“’- P- *’*- nd fi · ftl d "An Act to amen c apter fifty-five of an Act entitled Jl? ai establish a code of law for the District of Columbia."’ _ lynnsrninn Home SCHOOLigfh0 Coymissigners of tlieVDii£·:§t of Sc§,‘},$f‘“"‘*" ”°‘“° Col b` h , l authoriz an irecte to pay to . win Johbingiorixlcbli-zliigaunilxtizifiiiwenty-one dollars and ninety-four cents, for fuel furnished the Industrial Home School, District of Columbia, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, without inspection require b l . . yliggept as otherwise provided, one-half of the foregoing amounts to m{,*_§*,}f,e,ff’°‘“ D"’“"°* meet deficiencies in the appropriations on account of the District of Columbia shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.