Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/670

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640 FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3912. 1906. Q““Z- **‘.“·· °* T°’“’*‘ ified: Provided That the overnor and_other a propriate Territorial foiiiiiiiigiiiimiliwinor- OECBYS of said Territory, ge hereby authorizedp and directed to carry _”°d' out all contracts with the Territory of Oklahoma for the care and maintenance of charitable and penal institutions, and to make pay- ments therefor out of the general fund of said_ Territory, and to pro rly maintain the various Territorial institutions until such time ag th; constitution and laws of the State of Oklahoma shall provide t erefor. nm:-m¤rcu¤¤m·. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA._ » <>¤r¤¤¤r’¤ ¤¤‘¤¤•=- ConoNEn’s ormomz For amount required to pay the deputy coroner for services during the absence of the coroner, or the fiscal years that follow: Fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, two hundred and fifty-five dollars. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, ten dollars. c¤¤uuge¤=.m.,ex- Courruomur AND mscELLANEOUs EXPENSESZ For postage for strictly p°°°°s' ‘ official mail matter, one thousand dollars. For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title, the · printing of briefs in the court of appeals of the District of Columbia, and witness fees in District cases before the supreme court of said District for the fiscal years that follow: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, five hundred dollars. For the- fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, five hundred and fifty- four dollars and thirty-eight cents. _ For additional amount required to meet the ob`ects set forth in the a ropriation for the coroner’s office for the fiscal years that follow: pgor the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, eight hundred dollars. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, three hundred and fifty dollars and three cents. For additional amount required for general advertising. authorized and required by law, and for tax and school notices and notices of changes in regulations, for the fiscal ears that follow: For the Hscal year nineteen hund)i·ed and five, one thousand two hundred and seventy-two dollars and nine cents. For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four, one hundred and sixteen dollars and ninety-three cents. gqr the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, sixty-two dollars an orty cents. Ilor the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, sixteen dollars and ei t cents. Todadditional amount required to meet the objects set forth in the appropriation for contingent expenses of the government of the District of Columbia, fiscal years that follow: ` HfFor th? fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, seven dollars and tv cen s. F or the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, eighty cents. For additional amount required for rent, fuel, light, fitting up rooms, and other contingent expenses, free public library. fiscal vear nineteen hundred and one, ten dollars and fifty cents. 4 ` For additional amount required for resurvey of Beattv and Hawkins addition to Georgetown. fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, eighty-five dollars. w§r$r§¤;;g:t<g“F<>·¤r- EXTENSION- or F OURTEENTH srnnnr NORTHWEST: For additional V0l.33,p.3i'1.amount required to provide the necessary funds for the costs and expenses of condemnation proceedings taken pursuant to law. seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifty cents. miymemng v mee: WIDENING V STREET 1<omrnwEs1·: For additional amount required v;,;_ 3, P_ m to provide the necessary funds for the costs and expenses of condemnation proceedings taken pursuant to public Act approved April twenty-