Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/59

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 510. 1906. 29 due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six. _ . PAYMENT ro IAINDLEY C. KENT AND Josnrn J ENK1Ns: That out ,,,§g{,‘§‘§§,f§,*§;“‘“"" of the unexpended balance of the appropriation made for the Port P¤yr;¤Iq_¤¤t¤l,¤¤b¤¤dS— Penn range light, Delaware, there is reappropriated the sum of one miii>i.a2;u;ii1iéavl€bb` thousand four hundred and thirty-one dollars and forty-seven cents, to be paid to Lindleyy C. Kent and Joseph Jenkins, sureties upon the bond of Frank A. Vi ebb for the faithful performance of his contract for the construction, erection, and delivery of buildings for the new Port Penn light station, Delaware (fourth light-house district), as authorized by the Act approved January thirteenth, nineteen hundred and five, for the relief of said Lindley C. Kent and Joseph Jenkins. _ PAYMENTS ro NEW Yonx AND PENNSYLVANIA: To pay to the State ,,,f{,.‘f,‘,{fj,‘f""‘“"*’°"“‘ of New York the sum of one hundred and eighteen thousand five hun- P¤v¤¤<>¤¢¤ *<>· dred and eighty-five dollars and eighty-four cents and to the State of Pennsylvania two hundred and thirty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and sixty-five cents, said sums being certified to Congress at its present session, in House Document Numbered One hundred and sixty-seven, as having been ascertained to be due said States, respectively, under the provision in the general claims Act approved V0!- v-??'!- February twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and five; in all, three hundred and fifty-five thousand three hundred and forty-eight dollars and forty-nine cents. COLLECTING INTERNAL REVENUE. I¤¤¢¢¤·¤¤wV¤¤¤¤- For salaries and expenses of agents, fees and expenses of gaugers, A¥""'“·g“““°’“·°“’ salaries and expenses of storekeepers, and storekeeper-gau ers, and miscellaneous expenses incident to the collection of internalqrevenue on account of, fiscal year nineteen hundred and five, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. _ To pay amounts certified to be due by the accounting officers of the m’*,,‘f,§l,f’“‘*"""‘ "' Treasury on account of the a propriation '"Redemptnon of stamps" (certified claims), five thousand)and nine dollars and fifteen cents. To pay amounts certified to be due by the accounting officers of the “"‘“"‘““*’ ""°** Treasury on account of the appropriation “Refunding taxes illegally collected ” (certified claims), sixteen thousand four hundred and sixty- one dollars and thirty-five cents. ' QUARANTINE STATIONs. Quuruntinvscrvice. The rovisions in the sundr civil a ropriation Act for the fiscal H**“°‘“"‘·Hj*“’**“- year nirldeteen hundred and four,5for the qliiarantine station at Honolulu, Qmmmmmlm llawaii, is hereby amended by decreasing the a propriation for con- Allotugcirtvhnnged. struction of a wharf from fifty-five thousand dollars to fifty thousand l°l'3""`1°°l‘ dollars, and increasing the appropriation for a runway to connect wharf with island from ten thousand dollars to fifteen thousand dollars, so as to read as follows: For construction of wharf at United States quarantine station, Hono— Wgé? Q,;“°"°“ °‘ lulu, Hawaii, fifty thousand dollars; for a runway to connect wharfi with the island, fifteen thousand dollars; for retaining wall around the island, ten thousand dollars; for laundry plant, five thousand dollars; in all, eighty thousand dollars, which sum shall be expended in such manner and under such plans as will complete in every detail each and every object mentioned in this paragraph. For the reclamation of Quarantine Island, Honolulu, Hawaii, from gggguripc island. the materials now being dredged from the harbor of Honolulu, to be m ]°°°' expended under the direction of theSecretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, twenty thousand dollars.