Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/586

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556 nerr-NINTH conennss. sm. 1. cn. 3590. mos. other contingent expenses and emergencies arising under cognizance of the Bureau of f avigation, unforeseen and 1mposs1ble to classify, fifteen thousand dollars. emmery exercises. GUNNERY Exancisnsz Prizes, trophies, and badges for excellence in gunnery exercises and target practice; for the estabhshment and maintenance of shooting galleries, target houses, targets, and ranges; for hiring established ranges, and for transportation of men and equipment to and from ranges, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Ourfiw Ourrrrs ON Finsr nnmsrmnnrs Outfits for all enlisted men and apprentice seamen of the Navy on first enlistment, at forty—ve dollars norm. each, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand dollars: Provided, That B°m°d` hereafter the Secretary of the Navy may, in his discretion, require the whole or a part of the cost of outfits allowed upon enlistment to be refunded in cases where men are discharged during the first six months gf enlistment for any cause other than disability incurred in line of ut .. ,,jf”‘°“““°°°‘ °°" MlYAINTENANCE or COLLIERSZ Pay, transportation, shipping, and subsistence of civilian omcers and crews of naval colliers, and all expenses connected with naval colliers employed in emergencies which can not be paid from other appropriations, four hundred and fifty thousand dol rs. . mff,;f**‘ *’°i¤*¤¤ m" NAVAL TRAINING STATION, CALIFORNIAS Maintenance of naval train- · Yen-bnnueuslslanrl, ing station, Yerba Buena Island, California, namely: Labor and mate- °“l‘ rial; buildings and wharves; general care, repairs, and improvements of grounds, buildings, and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street—car fare; purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and re irs to same; fire engines and extinguishers; boats and gymnastic implblments; models and other articles needed in instruction of apprentice seamen; printing outdt and materials, and maintenance of same; heating, lighting, and furniture; stationery, books, and periodicals; fresh water, ice, and washing; expressage; packing boxes and materials; postage and telegraphin ; telephones, and all other contingent expenses; lectures and suitable entertainments for apprentice seamen, one thousand dollars; in all, fifty thousand dollars. I_£;g¤g¤¤;¤ Hvbor NAVAL TRAINING STATION, RHODE ISLAND: Maintenance of naval ` ‘` training station, Coasters Harbor Island, Rhode Island, namely: Labor and material; buildings and wharves; dredging channels; extending sea wall; repairs to causeway and sea wall; general care, repairs, and improvements of grounds, buildings, and wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street—car fare; purchase and maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and repairs to same; tire engines and extinguishers; boats and gymnastic implements; models and other articles needed in instruction of apprentice seamen; printing outfit and materials, and maintenance of same; heat- » ing, lighting, and furniture; stationery, books, and periodicals; fresh water, ice, and washing; expressage; packing boxes and materials; postage and telegraphing; telephones, and all other contingent expenses; lectures and suitable entertainments for apprentice seamen, one thousand dollars; in all, seventy-one thousand dollars. cm; Lakes. NAVAL TRAINING STATION, GREAT LA1<1=;s: Maintenance of naval training station: Labor and material; general care; repairs and improvements to grounds, buildings, and pier; street·car fare; purchase and maintenance of livestock, and attendance on same; wa ons., carts, implements, and tools, and repairs to same; fire extinguishers: heating, lighting, and furniture; stationery, books, and periodicals: ice, and washing; expressage; packing boxes, and materials; postage, telegraphing. and telephoning, and all other contingent expenses, twenty thousand dollars.