Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/557

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3561. 1906. 527 For transportation of materials, discharged cadets, and for ferriages, T"’·“p°'*“‘*°“· and for trans ortation of first class of cadets to and from Gettysburg battlefield, Vigatervliet Arsenal, and Sandy Hook proving grounds, three thousand dollars; Printing: For printing and binding, type, materials for office, P"l“"‘“¥· including repairs to motor and machinery, diplomas for graduates, annual registers, blanks, and monthly reports to parents of cadets, one thousand five hundred dollars; For department of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics: Tan bark n, ,f§ 2;;*,;; or other proper cover for riding hall, to be purchased in o n market upon written order of the superintendent, six hundred dolhiis; For camp stools, camp and office furniture and repairs to same, and door mats for cadet barracks, sinks, and guardhouse, six hundred and fifty dollars; For stationery, typewriting supplies and repairs, for use of instructors and assistant instructors of tactics; for books and ma ·, Smiling books, and mounting maps, four hundred and twenty-fi$e ol ars; For repairs and improvements of dressing rooms, platform and swimming tank, two hundred and twenty dollars; For silk and worsted sashes for cadet officers and acting officers, two hundred and twenty dollars; For foils, masks, belts, fencing, gloves, fencing jackets, gaiters, sabers, and repairs, six hundred dollars; For purchase of one calculating machine, two hundred dollars and seventy-five cents; d ger the purchase of two subtarget gun machines, five hundred o ars; For one typewriting machine with tabulator and cabinet, one hundred and thirty-tive dollars; For repairs to saddles, bridles, purchase of leather, curb chains, bits stirrups, and so forth, and to keep the same in repair, two hundred and fifty dollars; ' For two electric clocks, fifty dollars; For department of civil and military engineering: For models, ,,l’§P{*,,"§'{;*;‘;Q§* ma s, purchase and repair of instruments, apparatus, rawing boards, neeriuz. ‘ desks, chairs,‘shelves and cases for books and instruments, text—books, books of reference, and stationery for the use of instructors, and continlgencies, one thousand dollars; or department of natural and experimental philosophy: _Additions u£f}’°,f§‘],°'§x°‘ ,}*,5}; to apparatus to illustrate the princip es of mechanics, acoustics, optics, menwl philosoplnr. and astronomy; books of reference, scientific periodicals, text-books, stationery, materials, and repairs; and for repairs to the observatory ' buildings and repairs to clocks, and for contingent expenses not otherwise provided for, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars; For department of instruction in mathematics: Text-books, books e,Qjg‘;Q“‘°°‘°‘m°“‘ of reference, blinding, and stationery; for tables of logarithms; for rules and triangles; for purchase of geometrical drawings and models; for mses for geometrica models; for office desks, chairs, bookcases, and office fittings; and for contingencies; seven hundred and_twenty· five dollars; For department of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology: Chemicals, mmxggghgé chemical apparatus, glass and porcelain ware, paper, wire, sheet metal, géldgy. ' ores, photographic apparatus and materials; rough specimens, fossils, and for apparatus and materials to be used in the practical determination of mineralogical and geological specimens; pencils and paper for the practical instruction in the same branches, and for gradual increase and improvement of the cabinet; for repairs and additions to eiectric, magnetic, pneumatic, thermic, and optical apparatus; for purchase of laboratory and power—room machinery and apparatus