Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/522

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492 FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3553. 1906. She herd (Philadel hia) street, Brightwood avenue to Eighth street, and Elighth street, Shepherd (Phila elphia) to Upshur (Richmond), grade and improve, three thousand and fifty dollars; Lanier place (Lanier street), grade and improve, four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; Clifton street, grade and improve, two thousand dollars; Monroe street (Lydecker avenue) from Fourteenth street to _Holmead place (avenue), and Thirteenth street, Park road (VVh1tney avenue) to Otis (Lamm;) place, grade and improve, six thousand dollars; in all, one hundred an twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars. Mnnmhuntu we For condemnation of land necessary for extending Massachusetts °°° °x°°°d°d' avenue from Wisconsin avenue to Nebraska avenue, and toward grading and improving. said part of Massachusetts avenue, twenty-five thousand do lars, the proceedings for condemnation hereunder to be in accordance with the terms and provisions of sections four hundred and ninet -one a to four hundred and ninety-one n, inclusive, of the _ Code of IEW for the District of Columbia as established by Act of Aw. p. 151- Congress approved April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia ’ regulating proceedings for condemnation of land for streets." Repairs. For repairing sustaining wall along canal row, one thousand dollars. Rmurns s·rm·:n·rs, Avmmas, AND Amnrs: For current work of repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, including resurfacing and repairs to concrete pavements with the same or other not inferior material, three hundred thousand dollars; and this appropriation shall be available for repairing the pavements of street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad company as provided by section five of "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and shall be de osited to lphe cgedit of the appropriation for the fiscal year in which they are . co ecte . Sidewalks- For replacing and repairing sidewalks and curbs around public reservations and municipal buildings, six thousand dollars. county mea REPAIRS COUNTY norms : For current work of repairs of county roads and suburban streets, ninety thousand dollars. Budget ‘ d Embers: For construction and repairs of bridges, fourteen thousand o ars. Highway mage. Highway bridge across Potomac River: For salaries of employees, M.m.,m,.,.,_ lighting, power, and miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of every kind necessarily incident to the operation and maintenance of the bridge and approaches, eleven thousand six hundred dollars, and estimates in detai shall be submitted hereunder for the iiscal year nineteen hundred and eight, and annually thereafter. . For completing the construction of the brid e across Rock Creek on thegigelpf Connecticut avenue extended, one hundred and fifty thousan dollars. _For completion of the bridge across Piney Branch on the line of Sixteenth street extended, thirty thousand dollars. For reconstruction of the K Street Bridge over Rock Creek, thirty- eiglht thousand dollars. Anacostia nudge. or continuation of work on the reconstruction of the Anacostia Bridge, two hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. éppéuaches, For purchase or condemnation of an ap roach to the Anacostia end °° °‘“°°"°"' B"' of the new Anacostia Bridge, and the grading and improving of Such approach, and grading and im roving the extension of Monroe street to the Eastern Branc of the iotomac River, and for constructing a suitable bridge to carrv said extension of Monroe street over the tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, all in accordance with plans