Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/50

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20 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 503, 504. 1906. sunset to sunrise, such lights or other signals as the Light-House Board sh ll rescribe. Mmmm 3. That said bridge be so constructed as to provide for the passa e of railway trains over the same, and shall be operated under such rules and regulations as may be laid down by the proper officers of said corporation u<}t $:,1 coniiict with the rules and regulations provided by the Secretary 0 ar. Lawiul mucmm Sec. 4. That the bridge to be built under this Act, and subject to ““‘P°°"°““°· its limitations, shall be a lawful structure and shall be recognized and known as a post—1·0ad, upon which no higher charge shall be made for the trans rtation over the same of the mails, troops, and munitions of war oipthe United States than the rate per mile dpaid for such transportation over public higihways leading to said bri ge, and said bridge shall enjoy the réghts an privileges of other post-roads in the United States, and the nited States shall have the right of way across said bridge and its approaches for postal, telegradph, and telephone purposes, _'li,¤1»:r¤1>h. ew-. and equal privi egcs in the use of said. bri ge shall be granted to all _ me 0 cv <=· Ec. . a is c s n an v01 1 ac ua cons ruc 10D o mtu { m. “’1§g"“‘Eh `%i—'i.d€‘2iS’*’lZ§’“€ %"€.1‘i°.i11 .1 -.1 ·f t 1 t t- r "°°' the bridge herein authorized is not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of the approval hereof. Amendment Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 23, 1906. Felgugrsa CHAP. 504.-An Act To authorize the Campbell Lumber Company to construct M l ‘ · *1 _ a bridge across the Saint Francis River, in Clay (`louuty, Arkansas, at or near the [Public, No. 2s.] point where the section line between sections twenty-three and twenty-six, in township twenty north, range nine cast, touches said river. _ _ _ _ Be it enacted by ttze Senate and House ?`R?2resentatives of the United A§,Q‘“‘F"““°‘“R‘*°’· States of almemcct zn Omgreav ensemble , That the Campbell Lumber Cflrprsxgbssgvliursglgeér Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of ‘Missouri, its successors anda assigns, be, and it is hereby, authorized In uc ang enipoweipedtflo cgnstruct, méxintain, pid operastp a railrpiad britdge ·¤ ¤· an approac es ere 0 over an across 16 Sain `rancis iver a or _ near the point where the section line between sections twenty-three and twenty-six, in township twenty north, range nine east, touches Bmw? of wu to said river, the county of Clay, State of Arkansas. Sec. an bri ve constructed under the authority of this A ·t n an . tc. _ 1-. _ U L www H e shall be built and lhcated under and sub]ect to such regulations for the security of the navigation of said river as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, and secure such ob]ect said corporation or its assigns shall submit to the Secretary of War for his examination and approval a design and drawing of the bridge and a map of the location, and until the said [plan and location are approved by the Secretarv of War the Chanscn. bridge s all not be commenced or built, and should any change be made in the plan of said bridge during construction or after completion, such change shall be likewise sub]ect to the approval of the Sheretary of War, and any changes in said bridge required by the Secre- I tary of·War at any time shal be ma1.e(prom tl y by the said corporaggézgzé (mw, tron or_1ts assigns at its expense: Pmni ed, 'Ilhat if the bridge herein _ authorized be built as a drawbridge, the draw shall be opened promptly, L‘¥'“*‘·°“=· upon reasonable signal. for the passage of boats; and whatever kind of bridge is built, the said corporation or its assigns shall maintain

lIiercouBg*ol-rg spnsiet to sun rise such lights or other signals as the Lightouse a s al rescribe.

R"¥""‘**°“'— Sec. 3. _'I`hat saidp bridge be so constructed as to provide for the passage of railway trains over the same, and shall be operated under such