Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/40

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10 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Cns. 81, 82. 1906. F°b\'¤¤¤’ 5- lm- CHAP. 81.—An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Actauthorizingthe iVinnipeg,

 Yankton and Gulf Railroad Company to construct a combined railroad, wagon, and

[Public, No. 10.] gtogpassenger bridge across the Missouri River at or near the city of Yankton, South ota." Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofReyn·esentattves of the United Pf,§g“;gK§;, ,0,, States of America in Ocngress assembled, That section Six of "An Act ¤¤·r1§3:git:g·xygién$ authorizing the Winnipeg, Yankton and Gulf Railroad Company to §’§,‘§j,,,,'§ c,,,,,,,,,, M construct a combined railroad, wagon, and foobpassenger bridge across Y*g,*{)'{f¢g:; the Missouri River at or near the city of Yankton, South Dakota,",p.·ua approved April fifth. nineteen hundred and four, as amended by the Act approyed February eleventh, nineteen hundred and five, be, and the same IS hereby, so amended that the time within which the said _ _ bridge .1S required to be commenced shall be within one year and the ,,£f”° °* °°”'“'“°‘ time within which it is required that said bridge shall be completed shall be within three years from the date of the approval of this Act. Approved, February 5, 1906. F¤b1'¤•!;5»`i906· UHAP. 82.-A A t T a thth M b`l Rail d Dock

 construct and maihtaih aobrid 0ldicviad%uct(i1ci·d¤ thdvsvgrtzg betweencthepdsdv gi

[r¤¤1ie,N¤. 11.] Cedar Point and Dauphin Island?_ . Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representat1}ves of the United gmlgxixmd States of America in O'0ngress_ assembled, That the Mobile Railway ples: Company my and Dock Company, a corporation created and existing under an act g°· of thegeneral assembly o the State of Alabama, be, and is hereby, Immun apthofized to construct and maintain a railroad bridge `for the passage ` l’>.’.1‘§I1.2'.?’iSi”*“é“‘?S "Q "Fm} *X‘f‘¥.§°" °°d“S` E"? ““° _ a111n oe uny aeo amasai rico 'ggf***'¤°'°° ¤“*· viaduct to be cbnstructed so as nbt to obstruct navi ation betgweed an . . . . . g i I Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound. w,§’:,,§;”;,g_°‘ °“ ° Sec. 2. That said Mobile Railway and Dock Company is authorized to build wharves and docks out from the cast end of Little Dauphin Island into the waters of Mobile Bay and to dredge a channel from the deep water of the said bay to the terminal of wharves and into said LP'°"”“",ui ummm docks: Provided, That any bridge, wharves, or docks constructed ma mmm. under this Act and according to its limitations shall be a lawful structure and shall be known an recognized as a post route, and the Same 1; hereby] dfelarcd 50 pe -a lpost route, upon which also no higher ...31E°t1?.‘1mJ§S"Z.‘I~ .»‘3...l$"c.'£..° £¥“"S"°'E“T£“ {}“?Z $h§J“"`°1.°* °}I° , _ _ 1 S war o e t t megmph mm rate perduulet paid ford transportation over railrdldd; or pdblicalliigh? · ways ea mg o thesai bridge, and the United States shall have the t . . . . · .· QL · ¤··» ·» ~·~·-. ·‘i*E..t iii I'.??L$X5 Z0E’.?§Z‘Il1EZ13§§3€ *.I,J“€L‘3`?1Z2’$i£’L$?i `$;aG;lZ"“$i”Z£$3Z’ Kygcggkshihgldsgiaavp aipd lac entitled to equal rights and pmvileges relai _ _ rO rai way rams or cars over th . , e d mmpennucn- ghg approaches tiereto, upon payrnent of a remoxiahldacltgdipclilmiigs or such use; and m case of any disagreement between the parties in regard to the terms of such use or the sums to be paid, all matters at issue shall be determined by the Secretary of War, upon hearing the Sec of wu to allegation and proofssubmitted to him. mpmn p;,m,_ em _ §1EC- 3- That thi? bfldg'0 1I11d dl’!}Wl>1‘ldg0S, wharves, and docks authorize _ to be constructed under this Act shall be located and built and sub]ect to such regulations for the securitv of the navi f f `d as and M b`l Bs Y · gt '°" ° Sm P d h . 0 1 e _; as the Secretary of War shall prescribe; and the

11 company or corporation shall submit to the Secretary of War, for

biséaxamination and approval, a design and drawing of the proposed tilgluge and glrawbridges, wharves, and docks, and a map of the loca— giving or the space of one-half m11e on each side of said bridge