Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/392

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362 FIFTY-NINTII conomcss. sm. 1. cH. ami. 1906. mt;°,Pm“h°°“ '“'d For support and civilization of the Arapahoes and Cheyennes who Suvwnnac. have been collected on the reservations set apart for their use and occupation, thirty-tive thousand dollars. §l;“}§‘j, em For sup rt and civilization of the Kansas Indians, Oklahoma Ter- ` ritory, incldding agricultural assistance and pay of employees, one thousa dfi h dredd ll rs. siigiigidsm TGIIl?iILEll1)i>P;t>v(E;f);§gu;L§g(;giEi{H;S0f the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma , a . gslfljfiy em F mir support and civilization of the Ponca Indians, including pay of employees, nine t ousaud dollars. 01111.0000 s01—100L. °'=“°°°°¤°h°°'- For sulpport and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the India; sc ool at Olhilocco, Oklahoma, one hundred and sixteen thousand · nine undred dollars· For pay of superiritendeut at said school, three thousand dollars; For general repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars; E or ynampoapd elpptric texxtensicéng, Svc thousand dollars; or cam 1 ers ree thousand dollars· For cottage, one thousand two hundred dollars; In all, one hundred and thirty-nine thousand one hundred dollars: Pfwiwpémmed Promded', That the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under such rules ' and restrictions as he may prescribe, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, is hereby authorized to lease such portion ofhthe O ilocco Indian Schooé Reservalpionas may not be required for sc 00 - arming purposes, an app y the proceeds to the maintenance _ i and sup rt of said school. Sgimrnw Training Tlaat this Sclpretary of thehlnterior be, and he is hereby, authorized sm Brianna: ¤. to S8 in suc 8 manner as e may deem best for cash twenty acres 0 of land, described as the south half of the northeast i uarter of the . southeast quarter of section thirty-six, township ten north, range three east of the Indian Meridian m Oklahoma, and a ply the proceeds to the improvement of the Shawnee Indian Training ijichool. I0w¤s· IOWAS IN OKLAHOMA. (Treaty.) {j%r·qgpi;s.7M. For the iirst of five installments, fourth series, to bepaid per capita as provided in the seventh article ot the agreement ratihed by the Act approved F ebruarv thirteenth, nineteen hundred and one. one thousand eight hundred dollars. mxtnvimtinainsrnllr o enable the Secretary of the interior to anticipate five install— ` - ments of the fourth series and live installments of the fifth series due `.,_,_2‘,_ p_ ,,._6_ the Iowa indians in Oklahoma under the seventh article of the agreement ratitied by the Act approved February thirteenth, eighteen hun_dr;·;i and! musty-one, liftccn thplusand elollgipi; to be immediately avai a > e an pai per capita in cas or experi e otherwise for their beneht, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, Kickapoos. KI(`KAPl)OS. Kmxiljixl N¢*¤i¤·¤¤ _ That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is. directed to

·,.,·,,,,.m.,;r,.i,.i,.p.i immediately cause to be paid to those Kicking Mexican Kickapoo
  • ¤Q!_*;};,_p_ M, allottees, who under the Act of Congress of March third, eighteen

hundred and ninety-three, elected to leave in the Treasury their share of the fundsdprovided for in Article V of said Act, the sum of money to their cre it, together with interest thereon, as provided by said E,li2,_f,,_ Acg, andtas alsotproigded by the Act of June tienth, eighteen hundred ¢¤ r·r¤i·-¤¢- ant nine y-six· e s ares of minors to be pai to the arent: or next of kin having, the care and custody of said ll`llllOl’S,p the shares of deceased persons to be paid to their heirs; all of said payments to be made upon clami through the I3ll'SlZ National Bank or the Border hational Bank, ot Lagle Pass, Texas, except that the Kickapoos now