Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/345

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F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 3443, 3444. 1906. 315 Sec. 4. That the salaries of the officers and members of said fire Salaries. department herein provided shall commence, for the purposes of this Act, with the fiscal year beginning July first, nineteen hundred and six, and shall continue thereafter annually, unless changed by Congress, as follows: The chief engineer shall receive an annual salary of three thousand five hundred dollars; the deputy chief engineer shall receive an annual salar of two thousand five hundred dollars; battalion chief engineers shall each receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars; the fire marshal shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars; deputy fire marshals shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand four hundred dollars; inspectors shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand and eighty dollars; one chief clerk at an annual salar of one thousand four· hundred dollars and one clerk at an annual sallary of one thousand two hundred dollars; captains shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand four hundred dollars; lieutenants shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand two hundred dollars; the superintendent of machinery shall receive an annual salary of one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant superintendents f' of machinery shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand two hundred dollars; engineers shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; assistant engineers shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand one hundred dollars; pilots shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; marine engineers shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; assistant marine engineers shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand one hundred dollars; drivers shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; assistant drivers shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand one hundred dollars; privates of class numbered two shall each receive an annual salary of one thousand and eighty dollars; privates of class numbered one shall each receive an annual salary of nine hundred and sixty dollars. Sec. 5. That no officer or member of said fire department, under new-rcrron on rea penalty of forfeiting the salary or pay which may be due him, shall ’“““"°“"· ` withdraw or resi n, except by rmission of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, unless li; shall have given the said Commissioners one month’s previous notice, in writing, of such intention. Sec. 6. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the pro- ,_“¥;g`¤;¤,:1··¥*¤¤¤¤¤¤~*¤¤- visions hereof are hereby repealed. ` Sec. 7. That this Act shal take effect and be in force on and after In erm·wu1yr,is¢»:. July first, nineteen hundred and six. Approved, June 20, 1906. CHAP. 3444.--An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the June 20, 19(E. appointment of a sealer and assistant sealer of weights and measures in the District _ [H- R- **68-l o Columbia, and for other purposes/’ approved March second, eighteen hundred [Pnblic,N0,25?_] uml ninety-five. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatehves of the United States ofAm.eriea in Ltmgresa assembled, That section ten of the Act Dmncmrcolumma. entitled “An Act to provide for the appointment of a sealer- and assist- u,§lQ?'g"°” "“'l ‘“°'”“ ant sealer of weights and measures in the District of Columbia, and nl’eQ,§8d?”- P- 8** for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read: “Sr;c. 10. No person shall sell or offer for sale anywhere in the .-x1lpr?gugo¤s,gz¤. District of Columbia, any provisions or produce or commodities of f,‘},l’,°,,,‘§’,,,,._ ’ ‘“°‘g*" any kind for a weight or ID€8Sl\I`B less than the true weight or measure P""- P· 8***- thereof; and all provisions, produce, or commodities of any kind shall be weighed by scales, weights, or balances or measured rn measures