Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/340

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310 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3441. 1906. twenty-sixth,·nineteen hundred and live, be, and is hereby, amended, and, as amended, is hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed, as follows, to wit: "ACT 66. . "AN Aer ’*°"**°“'°‘*°*· "To authorize and provide for the construction, maintenance, and o ration of a telephone system on the island of Oahu, Territory of Iliaowaii, by the Standard Telephone Company (Limited). "Be it enacted by t/ae legislature of the Territory of [larvaeé: mwegmswgj “SECTION 1. The right is hereby granted to the Standard Telephone . pany4mm1w:). Company (Limited), a corporation organized under the laws of the Territory of Hawaii, to construct, operate, and maintain, for the term of twenty-five years from the date of the approval of this act, a telephone and electrical communicative system, aerial, underground, o1· subaqueous, in, upon, along, and under the highways and public roads oghg said island of Oahu, and under the lands and waters of said IS n . opmuon. » "Sec. 2. The said tele hone system shall be operated by underground wires within a radlius of one-half mile, starting from the north corner of Fort and King streets, and beyond said limits by such means or methods as may be adopted by said company from time to time, with the approval of the superintendent of public works, or any other official or board havin control of the streets and roads where said wires are located, which said officials or boards may, after nineteen hundred and twelve, at any time that the public interests require it, direct any changes in the method of placin or using said wires that have been or may thereafter be put up or laid that they shall determine to be proper an necessary. I_P¤r¤1¤¤¤ of other "SEc. 3. If the Standard Telephone Company (Limited) shall at any mi time acquire, by lease or otherwise, the rights, franchises, and property of an erson or corporation operating a telephone system on the island of (laliu, all of the rights, privileges, powers, and authority by this act conferred with reference to the occupation of streets, lands, and waters, maintenance and operation of telephone companies, and also all other powers so conferred, are hereby authorized in the maintenance and use of the propcrt so acquired. All franchises thus acquired shall be subject to all the conditions and limitations of this uct. mmaum “Sec. 4. All underground wires shall be in conduits not less than two feet beneath the surface of the street, which surface shall be securely supported so as not to im ir the use and enjoyment of said streets by the public, and all trer1cliies in which conduits are placed, as . well as the manholes connected with the system, shall be constructed in a substantial and workmanlike manner. e,3°'°°‘ *""'“"‘°""‘· "SE0 5- The said Standard Telephone Company, before laying its conduits or otherwise disturbing any of the streets or roads of the island of Oahu, shall ascertain the lawful grade of such streets or roads from the superintendent of public works or other officials or boards having charge of said streets or roads, who shall furnish the required information within a reasonable time. “The conduits or other equipment of the said company which affect the surface of the public streets or roads shall conform to the grades of said streets or roads on which they are laid down, as furnished by the superintendent of public works or other officials or boards having charge of said streets or roads, and the said Standard Telephone Company shall not in any way change or alter the same without the written consent of the Stlld authorities. And the Territory of Hawaii reserves further the right to change and alter the line and grades of its streets