Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/328

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298 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 3340, 3341,3431. 1906. . of War; and said corporation shall, at any time when so ordered by ‘ the Secretary of War., remove its mils and all fixtures and appuxjtemmces, at its own expense und cost and without any claim of any kmd mmm? °* °°“’°'“°’ from tho United States: Andp¢m1d0Zedji47·t her, Ihat the grants and · privileges mentioned in this Act as to said raxlway, telegrap , and telehone right of wa. shall become void unless the road or railway shall he commenced wilin two years` from the date of the approval of this Act and said road and telegru h or telephone line be completed from the town of Valentine to the Eihrt N iobmra military post, on said Fort Niobmra Military Reservation, and put into operation within five years from the date of the approval of this Act. Approved, June 18, 1906. J“¤° 18- 1906- UHAP. 8841.--An Act To change and iix the time for holding the circuit and dis-

 mcz mum or me Umm sums mr me middle damn or Tennessee, in me souuwm

{Public, N0.240.] division of the eastern distxict of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and the northeastern division of the eastern district of Tcuuemee at Greeneville, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq0resmtat1}ves of the United ¥g’m”$$g States of America in Oongreas assembled, That the terms of the cir- ¤*{ ¤g *· lm Sum cuit an district courts of the United States for the middle district of pgi 1m[122,¤m¤a¤u. Tennessee, held at Nashville, shall commence on the first Monday in °""" _ Ma and October of each year instead of the third Monday in April mmm;?" °f amlv October, as now provided by law; and the terms of the circuit and m'{gm¤ °' (7******** district courts of the United States for the southern division of the vu.' 21, p. rm, eastern district of Tennessee, held at Chattanooga, shall commence on

 dm. the first Monday in April and December of each year; and the terms

whs at Gmm of the circuit and district courts of the United btates for the northvme. eastern division of the eastern district of Tennessee, held at GreeneedY"l‘ 3""‘5’““‘°“d` ville, shall commence on the first Monday in June and November of each year; and each of said terms at each of said places shall continue so long as the presiding judge may deem necessary. m;§';‘}fP$]O‘g;{*;g°t;dd· Sec. 2. That no action, suit, proceeding, information, indictment, ’ "recognizunce, bail bond, or other process in either of said courts shall abate or be rendered invalid by reason of the change of time in the holding of the terms of said courts, but the same shall he deemed to he returnable to, pending, and triublv nt the terms herein provided fm-. "‘°'*’· SRC. 3. That the clerks of said circuit and district courts for the eastern district of Tennessee may reside- und keep their offices, respectively, in either the cit of Knoxville, Clnattunooga, or Greenev1Ile: ”°P""°*· but said clerks shall each, ms el-tively, appoint a, deputy to reside and keep their offices in each of the abovuanzum-d cities other than the onein which said clerks shall respectively reside and keep their offices; that the said deputy clerks shall, in the absence of their principals, do

 and perform ul the duties appertaining to their offices, respectively.

'*”°"°· Sec. 4. That this Act shall take effect from and after August first. “*“*"""· nineteen hundred and six, the public welfare requiring it; and that all laws and parts of laws in coniliet with this Act be, and are hereby, repealed. Approved, June 18, 1906. June 19, 1906. CHAP. 3481.-An Act To provide a life-saving station at or near Greenhill, on [S- 290-] the const of South Kingston, in the State of Rhode Island. [Public, No. 241.] _

   Be it enacted by the Senate and ] of Rep1•eaentat1}z;es of the Un ited

§;;§*;“§s§»?t§{;{l;$i State:} of America in Cbzzgre.s.s assembled, That there be established Memmmnr, 12.1. :1 life-saving station at or near Greenhill, on the coast of South Kings·