Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/312

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282 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3335. 1906. of the national park, game preserve, and other reservation, or the said m§f,L_°°°‘°” °* °°*‘°’ Casa Grande Ruin, as now defined or may be hereafter defined; but other lands equivalent thereto may be selected for such school purposes hereinbefore provided in lieu thereof. Gnnufcr b¤i1•1i¤s¤ Sec. 29. That three hundred sections of the unappropriated non- §§g.;,_’°’"°"° °‘ mineral public lands within said State, to be select and located in legal subdivisions, as provided in this Act, are hereby granted_to said State for the purpose of erecting legislative, executive, and ]ud1c1al ublic buildings in the same, and or the payment of the bonds heretoibre or hereafter issued therefor. _ wQt'g,'¢II§'g*{§ml*“" Sec. 30. That the lands ranted to the Territory of Arizona by the vcr. 21.1>·=¤sZ Act of February eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, entitled "An Act to grant lands to Dakota, Montana, Arizona, Idaho, and Wyoming for universit pur ses," are hereby vested in the proposed State to the extent of the full) quantity of seventy-five sections, and any portion of said lands that may not have been selected by said Termamcmi gnu:. ritory of Arizona may be selecte bly the said State. In addition to the foregoing, and in addition to all ands heretofore granted for such purpose, there shall be, and hereby is, ranted to said State, to take effect when the same is admitted to the Slnion, three hundred sections of land, to be selected from the public domain within said State in the same manner as provided in this Act, and the proceeds of all such lands shall constitute a permanent fund, to be safely invested and held by said State, and the income thereof be used exclusively for university purposes. The schools, colleges, and universities provided for in this Act shall forever remain under the exclusive control of the said State, m§:::;cjL;;¤d*¤¤¤*¤· and no part of thexproceeds arising from the sale or disposal of any ` lands herein grant for educationa purposes shall be use for the support of any sectarian or denominational school, college, or university. ${1*;:;*2*;,*}}) Su¤:¤'¤ Sec. 31. That nothing in this Act shall be so construed, except ` where the same is so specifically stated, as to repeal any rant of land ` heretofore made by any Act of Congress to either of saiei Territories, but such grants are hereby ratified and confirmed in and to said State, and all of the land that may not, at the time of the admission of said State into the Union, have been selected and segregated from the public dlpmain, may be so selected and segregated in the manner provided in t is Act. [ug}? $,5,.l’,°,f,,,'f$,“,{ Sec. 32. That five per centum of the proceeds of the sales of public ¤¤¤°°** lands lying within said State which shal be sold by the United States subsequent to the admission of said State into the Union, afterdeductinggll the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to the said State to used as a permanent fund, the interest of which only shall be _ expended for the support of the common schools within said State. ,,,§§§‘},pY,Q£‘,2,‘],§‘,_ ""And there is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of live million dollars for the use and benefit of the common schools of said State. Said ap iropriation shall be paid by the Treasurer of the United States at sucih time and to such person or persons as may be authorized by said State to receive the same under laws to he enacted by said State, and until said State """’“‘“'°'“"“"""· shall enact such laws said appro riation shall not be id. Said appropriation of five million dollars dhall be held inviolabliiand invested) by said State, in trust, for the use and benefit of said schools. mf§jj{’j’,';‘,Q,j‘ °"“"**‘ Sec. 33. That all lands herein granted for educational purposes may be appraised and disposed of only at public sale, the roceeds to constitute a permanent sc ool fund, the income from which only shall be expended in the support of said schools. But said lands may, under such regulations as the legislature shall prescribe. be leased for periods of not more than ten years, and such common school land shall not be subject to preemption, homestead entry, or any other entry under the