Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/309

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 3335. 1906. 279 Territories as herein required at the aforesaid general election. Such election for delegates shall be conducted, the returns made and the certificates of persons elected to such convention issued, as near as may be, in the same manner as is prescribed by the laws of said Territories., respectively, regulating elections therein of members of the legislature: Provided, That if it appears from the returns that a major- {two-M , ity of the qualified electors in the Territory of Arizona. who voted snifirrisignzdiiilniiriic on the question at the election voted in favor of the u11ion of New "”`“bl°°°““i°"‘ Mexico and Arizona as one State, then, and not otherwise, the secretary or other proper officer of said Territory of Arizona into whose hands the result of said election finally comes, shall immediately transmit and certify the result as to the election of delegates to the convention to the secretary of the Territory of New Mexico at Santa Fe, and if it appears from the returns from the election held in New Diégiiggsfgofg u§,g;*` Mexico that a majority of the qualified voters aforesaid voted in favor convention to bé of joint statehood, then in that event the secretar i of said Territory °°"°d' of New Mexico shall make up a temporary roll of the convention from the certified returns from both of said Territories, and he shall call the convention to order at the time herein required, and said conven- m};°'•'°' °‘ ¤°¤'*‘¤· tion when so called to order and organized shall be the sole judge of ` the election and qualifications of its own members. Persons possessing v02;‘m*°°**°¤¤ °* the ualifications entitling them to vote at the aforesaid general election ' shall be entitled to vote on the ratification or rejection of the constitution if submitted to the people of said Territories hereunder, and on the election of all officials whose election is taking place at the same time. under such rules or regulations as said convention may prescribe, not in conflict with this Act. Sec. 25. That if a majority in each of said Territories at the elec- tigflfflgggg ,$g'“'°”‘ tion aforesaid shall vote for joint statehood, and not otherwise, the del- ` egates to the convention thus elected shall meet in the hall of the house of representatives of the Territory of New Mexico, in the city of Santa F e therein, at twelve o’clock noon on Monday, December third, Dmnineteen hundred and six, but they shall not receive compensation for more than sixty days of service, and after organization shall declare D““°*· on behalf of the people of said proposed State that they adopt the Constitution of the United States, whereupon the said convention shall be, and is hereby, authorized to form a constitution and State overnment for said roposed State. The constitution shall be republican in fQ;{:;Q_[;*:}g{;b,I_,_,__ form, and mage no distinction in civil or political rights on account of race or color, except as to Indians not taxed, and shall not be re mgnant to the Constitution of the United States and the principles of the Declaration of Independence. And said convention shall provide, by """’**"‘****· ordinance irrevocable without the consent of the United States and the pepple of said State- _ irst. That perfect toleratiou of rehgious sentiment shall be secured, “°‘*¤’°"*’ "°°"°'“· and that no inhabitant of said State shall ever be molested in person or property on account of his or her mode of religious worship: and that pol ygamous or plural marriages and the sale, barter, or giving of inr*·>1n£gg:¤% ali:} intoxicating liquors to indians are forever prohibited. prtniumi.q Second. That the people inhabiting said proposed State do agree and 1>as·g?nneydn§ yggm declare that they forever disclaim a l right and title to the unappro- {EDGE, l° an D nm priated and ungranted public lands lying within the boundaries thereof and to all lands lying within said limits owned or held by any Indian or Indian tribes. except as hereinafter provided, and that until the title thereto shall have been extinguished by the United States the same shall be and remain subject to the disposition of the United States, and such Indian lands shall remain under the absolute jurisdiction and control of the Congress of the United States; that the lands and other mgqmnimy of nm,. propertv belon ing to citizens of the United States residingawithout ' the saidy State shall never be taxed at u higher rate than the nds and