Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/278

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248 FIFl`Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3078. 1906. For additional pay for length of service, six thousand five hundred dollars. E¤“¤*°d m°“· Pay of enlisted men, ninety-four thousand eight hundred dollars. Philippine Scouts. RPHILIPPHWE SCO-UTS_ °‘“°‘*”· Pay of officers of the line: Fifty first lieutenants, seventy-five thousand dollars. Fifty second lieutenants, seventy thousand dollars. Seven first lieutenants (battalion adjutants), ten thousand five hundred dollars. Seven second lieutenants (battalion quartermasters and commissaries), nine thousand eight hundred dollars. Difference in additional pay to omcers serving in higher grades under authority of law in battalion of Phili pine Scouts: Seven majors from captains (not mounted;, four thousand nine hundred dollars. _ Fifteen captains from first lieutenants (not mounted), four thousand five hundred dollars. ”°“g°"“’· Additional for length of service, thirty-fonr thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. E“““‘°d ‘“°"· Noncommissioned officers and privates fifty companies, four hun- §,'g‘,}’!§";0, www u dred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred dollars: Prm:2'ded, That omccrs all enlisted men of the Regular Army who have been appointed commissioned officers of Philippine Scouts subsequent to March second, nineteen hundred and three, or who may hereafter be so appointed, and who, upon their muster out, have returned or may return to the ranks of the Regular Army, shall have such period of service counted as if it had been rendered as enlisted men, and that they be entitled to all continuous service pay and to count, in computing the time necessary to enable them to retire, as enlisted men. n_f3'j_*l{j:§,*g°¤ °* °“· Hereafter, where the compensation of any person in the military ` service of the United States is annual or mont ly the following rules for division of time and computation of pay for services rendered are (_qf’l;‘{*j'f\‘;{’,}{{;If£}l:"u$‘V* hereby established: Annual compensation shall be divided into twelve ' equal installments, one of which shall be the pay for each calendar month; and in making vments for a fractional part of a month onethirtieth of one of suclisinstallments, or of a monthly compensation. __,f‘Q’°"'*"“”°l”*°¤*"*‘· shall be the daily rate of pay. For the purpose of computing such ` compensation and for computing time for services rendered during n fractional part of u. month in connection with annual or monthly compensation, each and every month shall be held to consist of thirty days, without re ard to the actual number of days in any calendar month. thus exclurgng the thirty-first of any calendar month from the computation and treating I·ebruary as if it actually had thirty days. Any person entering the service of the United States during a thirty- one day month and servin until the end thereof shall be entitled to pay for that month from die date of entry to the thirtieth day of said month, both days inclusive; and any person enterin said service during the month of F ebrunry and serving until the end thereof shall be entitled to one month’s pay, less as many thirtieths thereof as there

 were days elapsed prior to date of entry: Pr·avz'ded, That for one day`s

unauthorized absence on the thirty-tirst day of any calendar month one day`s pay shall be forfeited. ·"°" “"°°““'”~ All the money hereinbefore appropriated, except the appropriation for mileage of officers and contract surgeons when authorized by law. for pay of the Army and miscellaneous shall be disbursed and accounted for by officers of the Pay Department as pay of the Army, and for that purpose shall constitute one fund.