Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/269

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3077. 1906. 239 two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-tive, twenty-six, twenty-seven, and twenty-eight, in township numbered eighteen south, range numbered seventy-one west of the sixth principal meridian, said lands being located along and on either side of the Arkansas River in said State, and containing thereon a certain canon designated as the Royal - Gorge; the said lands to be held by the said city solely for park purposes and for the use and benefit of the public, without other restriction than such as may be necessary to protect the said premises from trespasses and injury. And said lands and all of them are hereby with- njgndju Wl*h?l`**“’“ c/pawn from location and entry, under the laws of the United States of SE 9mm` . merica. Sec. 2. That the common council of the said city of Canon City shall C·>¤·¤¤¤1 <>f1¤¤¤<*S- have and is hereby granted full power and authority to control, protect, and preserve said lands so removed from entry and ceded, and the water courses and timber thereon; and for the purpose aforesaid R<¤z¤1¤¢i<>¤¤· to make such rules and regulations preventing trespass, defacement of natural scenery, or any preventable injury to the said canon as may be neoessarv or proper in the premises; and the said city council shall further have power and authority to locate and maintain through itself, or grant the right to so locate and maintain to others, railways, wagon roads, ditches, canals, and other improvements, and also to permit on said ceded premises the erection of all such buildings or structures as may be necessary or proper to carry out the purpose and intent of this Act. Sec. 3. That this Act shall be subject to all existing valid locations m—”é¤j{¤2¤z claims vet or appropriations under the land laws of the United States within the ° ` limits herein above provided and when and so soon as any present ' appropriations or locations, or any inchoate or incomplete approgriations, or locations of any of the said premises, under any of the and laws of the United States, shall lapse, become forfeited, cancelled, or -c¤¤ceneu enum. abandoned, the premises covered by such locations shall at once, and without further action, fall under and become subject to the operation of this Act, and shall be ceded to and become the property of the said cit of Canon City for the uses herein set forth. Sec. 4. That the grant and cession hereby made is to the said city newsauii. of Canon City alone, and upon any attempt by the said city of Canon City to alienate or encumber the said premises or any portion thereof, or should said city cease to care for said park for a period of three years or more, the title thereto and to all the said lands shall at once revert to and revest i n the United States of America; and the said city m£;{_j'*"•**‘>` ***·*¤*•· of Canon City shall further, and within one year from the date hereof, ` mark and define the boundaries of the said lands by permanent and substantial monuments. Sec. 5. That the said city of Canon City shall further, and within bguipjis rreef ef six months after the marking of said premises, tile in the United States°°' land office at Pueblo, Colorado, proof of the said marking and determination of the boundaries of sand premises as herein above set forth, and the formal acceptance by the siid city of the grant herein evidenced, under the conditions herein set forth; and' thereupon patent ism efpatent. shall issue to the said city of Canon Czty for the lands above described, subject, however, to the herein stat reservations, limitations, and conditions. Sec. 6. That the right to amend or repeal this Act at any time is A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- hereby reserved, and upon such repeal the title granted herein shall revert to the United States. Approved, June 11, 1906.