Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/231

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FIFTY—NINTH GONGMJSS. Sess. 1. (Jn. 2s5e. woe:. 201 onment for a period not to exceed two years; official reprimand. The 0* °°h°” Pm°¤¤· only punishments that may be imposed by such courts upon any person in the Revenue-Cutter Service other than a commissioned officer shall be the following, namely: Dishonorable discharge; forfeiture of not to exceed two inontl1s’ pay; imprisonment on land for a period not to exceed one year; confinement aboard ship not to exceed one month; confinement in single irons, on bread and water, or on diminished rations, not exceeding thirty days, but a full ration shall in all cases he given at least every third day; confinement in single irons; reduction to next inferior rating; deprivation of liberty for a period not to exceed three months; extra duties, and the imposing of these unishments will be regulated in accordance with rules prescribed) by - the Secretary of the Treasury. A commissioned officer of the said *"°*°°“*°'· Service may be designated by the convening authority as official prosecutor to prosecute the case in the interests of the Government, and whose general powers and duties will be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The proceedings, findings, and sentences of Revenue- Rcviewmtc. Cutter Service courts shall be subject to review by the Secretary of the Treasury, as the convening authority, and the records of such courts shall be filed in the division of Revenue—Cutter Service, Treasury Department, and no sentence of such court shall be carried into effect until approved by the said Secretary: Provided, That in the case rrwiso. _ of a commissioned officer a sentence of dismissal shall not be carried ,,f°"°€"°°°m“'"l”` into effect until approved by the President of the United States. Sec. 4. That the Secretary of the Treasury may desi nate, as the m§,l*g°° °* P“”*°**‘ place of execution of the sentence of a R.evenue—Cutter Service court ` involving imprisonment, any prison or penitentiary that receives Federal prisoners. . Sec. 5. That it shall be lawful for the commanding officer of a ves· m¢u!’;$,°*¤· °*°··*°*‘ *1** sel of the Revenue·Cutter Service to apprehend and arrest or cause to ` be apprehended and arrested, by the force under his command, a deserter from the Revenue-Cutter Service wherever found, and shall have authority to call upon all persons to assist in such arrests, and all persons so assisting are hereby invested with the power and authority _ of deputy United States marshals, and shall deliver the offender on board of the vessel from which he deserted: Provided, That a reward for the apprehension and delivery of a deserter from the Revenue- Cutter Service, as hereinbefore provided, not to exceed fifteen dollars, may l)(§Ol`l'€1'8d by the commanding officer of the vessel from which the person deserted, and this reward, or any part thereof, may be deducted and paid from money due said descrte1·: Ibmvided, That no 0,§;jgl{j};j°**°· M- pcrson who has deserted from the Revenue-Cutter Service shall afterwards be employed in said Service, or enlisted in any other military or naval serviccvunder the United States, unless he shall have delivered himself aboard the vessel from which he deserted, or been ap(prehended, and the disability shall have been removed by a boar of commissioned officers of the said Service convened for a consideration of the case, and the action of the said board shall have been approved » by the Secretary of the Treasury. _ _ _ _ _ _ Sec. 6. That the jurisdiction conferred by this Act for the punish- mQ;,gg{lg°¤ 0* cm! ment of offenses a inst the discipline of the Revenue-Cutter Service shall not be regarclgeiii as exclusive, but offenders may, in the discretion of the Secretarv of the Treasury, bejurncd over to the civil authorities for trial bv: any court having jurisdiction of the offense. _ Sec. 7 . That for offenses against the laws of the L mted States other 0,,*;*,;;if¤*¤¤¤ °*¤¤¤¤¤ than those specified in this Act, offenders shall be turned over to the civil authorities for trial. Approved, May 26, 1906.