Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/206

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176 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 2084. 1906.

  • ’*’”’““°“". "gir Sec. 2. Thats ever erson now registered as a pharmacist in the

miixgrlliiiigir an District of Columbia): Ender an Act to regulate the practice of phar- _ macy in the District of Columbia, approved June fifteenth, eig been ,,,,’f’{.§“,,*§‘g§{f’“* °‘”·· hundred and seventy-eight, shall be enutled to be licensed under this Act without examination or payment of fee, provided that he make application therefor on or before the thirty-first day of December next K*€¤¤ ¤f- ensuing after the passage of this Act. Ang; person registered as aforesaid shall, until said date, by virtue of suc registration be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities to which pharmacists licensed Ender this Act are entitled, and be subject to all the obligations and uties of such licentiates. ` m};f°”“° °PP“°* Suc. 3. That every person not registered under an Act to regulate Réquiremeuts. the practice of pharmac in the District of Columbia, approved June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, who sha] desire to be licensed as a pharmacist shall iile with the board of supervisors in medicine and pharmacy an application, duly verified under oath,. setting forth the name and age of the applicant, the place or places at which he pursued, and the time spent in, the study of pharmacy, the experience which the applicant has had in compounding physieians’ prescriptions under the direction of a licensed pharmacist, and the name and location of the school or college of pharmacy, if any, of which he is a graduate, and shall submit evidence sufficient to show to the satisfaction of said board that he is of good moral character and not addicted to the use of alcoholic liquors or narcotic drugs so as to pl5f_;?Tm°*°¤ °f Mr render him pinfiilgo réractice pharimarg; and saiiapplicant sha}; appea.5 ` at an time an e esignate y the board o su ervisors a oresai _ _ and submit to Em examination hy the board of haiimaeeutical examfi§‘{,,'*‘j,’,°‘,,;,, ,8,, md iners as to his qualifications for license as a pharmacist: Prewided,

  • ¤¤'i*=¤· That applicants shall be not less that twenty-one' years of a e, and

shall have had at least four. years’ experience in .the practice og pharmacy or shall have served three years under the instruction of a regular licensed pharmacist, and any applicant who has been graduated from a school or college of pharmacy recognized by said board as in good stanclin shall be entitled to examination upon presentation of m;‘{8”j;°P“‘l“° Ph"` his diploma: $°z·oz·1`dccZ_fizrtber, That any applicant intending to limit his practice to compounding and dispensing homeopathic remedies and prescriptions may be licensed, if otherwise qualified. Any applicant intending to compound and dispense homeopathic remedies und prescriptions shall so state in his application for license us :1 pharmacist, and it shall thereupon become the duty of the board of supervisors aforesaid to appoint a committee of thre•—, plnysiviuns or I)lHll‘lll2l.('lhi}N,

    • ¥*<¤mi*¤¤¤<>¤· or both, adherents to the homeopathic system of n1•—di<·ul pra<·ti4·<-, to

examine said a plicunt in homeopathic mnturiu nnedica uml plmrnmcy, and to report the result thereof to said hoard. Every such applicant, however, shall be subjected in all respects to the smne exznnirmtions by the board of plmrnnaceutieul exaniiners as are applicants generally, except that an upplicunt intending to limit his practice to the compounding und dispensing of homeo wathiv I`(}Ill(‘(l'l€S and prescriptions shall not he examined hy said boarel of pharmaceutical examiners in

    • '~"°'i°“°¤· materia medica and pharmacy. But the license issued to any applicant utter zi limited examination as aforesaid shall permit himito compound or dispense homeopathic remedies and prescriptions only. No

person shall compound or dispense homeopathic remedies or prescriptions who has not been licensed so to do. nor shall any person who has been licepsed to compound und dispense homeopathic remedies and prescriptions alone compound or dispense other remedies or prescriptions. except " patent" or " proprietary " remedies in original packages. i”“° °‘"°°””°- Sm`. 4. That if the applicant for livense as 21 phnrmac·ist has (10111- plied with the requirements of either of the two preceding sections, the board of supervisors in medicine and pharnmuy shall issue to him