Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/180

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150 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 2067, 2068.* 1906. quarter of section thirty, township seven south, of range nine west, and all of section twenty-four, township seven south, of range ten west, lying south of Back Bay of Biloxi, formerly reserved for naval · urposes, and which were restored to disposition under the town-site vu up Ewa under the Act of Congress approved March second, eighteen Z"' hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to certify to the Secretary of the Interior, for restoration to the public domain, lands in the States of Alabama and Mississippi not needed for naval urposes," be, and the same is hereby, grante to the city of Biloxi, in Barrisou County, Mississippi, for park and cemetery purposes, and the Secretary of the Interior IS, upon the passage of this Acg authorized to cause the said lands to be patented to the said Mem city of iloxi, upon due proof of its incorporation. ' no. 2. That the said lands are ranted solely for park and cemetery urposes, and shall revert to and become the property of the United ‘ Statesbiflpspnd ’f(pr any purposei whatever other than or foreign to those orw ic t 's onation is ma e. Approved, April 28, 1906. April 28,71906. CHAP. 206§.—An Act Providing that the State of Montana be permitted to relin- [ · R- I *35] gmk to the United States certain lands heretofore selected and select other lands [Public, N0, my m the public domain in lieu thereof. Be it enacted the Senate andHouse 0_f.Representato}ves of the United

 um States of America an Oohgress assembled, That upon the delivery to

nm",. nm.] 1.,,.;. the Secretaily of the Interior by the State of Montana of its properly {{:,°,'g°g,j,"“_*° "*° executed an duly recorded deed or deeds reconveying to the United States of America, in fee simple, certain lands heretofore selected by V¤L26. r. 679- and certified to said State under the rovisions of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the division of Dakota into two States and to enable the people of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington, to form constitutions and State governments and to be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and to make donation of public land to such States," approved February mpsssrggnggdnor re- twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to wit: All of section Y ‘ thirty-one in township thirteen south of range one west, the south half of the southwest illuarter, the south half of the southeast quarter of section twenty`-six; the south half of the southwest quarter, the south half of the sout east quarter of section twenty-seven; the south half of the southwest cpiartcr, the south half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-eng t; the south half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-nine; the west half of section thirty-one; the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section thirty-two; the north half and lots two, three, and four of section thirty-three; the north half_and lots two and three of section thirty-four; the north half of section thirty-tive, in township thirteen south of range two west; the southeast quarter of section twenty-six and east half of section thirty- live, in township thirteen south of range three west; the south half of the northwest quarter and lots three, four, ten, and eleven of section one; lot ten of section two; lots one and two of section eleven; north half of the northwest quarter of section twelve. in township fourteen south of range three west, princgpal meridian of Montana; the lands so described having been select as indemnity school land and the selection thereof having been approved by the Secretarv of the Interior undendates of January second, January ninth, February fifth, and April eighteenth, nineteen hundred and one. The said State shall be authorized and permitted to select an equal number of acres of land from the unappropriated public land of the United