Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/176

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146 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. IL Ch. 1876. 1906. ¤P°¤¤· All expenses incident to the establishment of public highways or . roads in the Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Sem1nole nations, including clerical hire, pier diem, salary, and expenses of viewers, appraisers, and others, s all be paid under the direction of - the Secretary of the Interior from the funds of the tribe or nation in 0¤¤¤’¤°**°¤°"**8h· which such public highways or roads are established. Any person, ny` ‘ firm, or corporation obstructing any public highwagy or road, and who shall fail, neglect, or refuse for a period of ten ays after notice to remove or cause to be removed any and all obstructions from such Penalty. public highway or road, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars per day · for each and every day in excess of said ten days which obstruc- P •‘•>•*•¤-I tion is spermitted to remain: Promded, however, That notice of the ' establi ment of public highways or roads need not be given to allottees or others, except in cases where such public highways or roads are obstructed, and every person obstructing any such public highway or-road, as aforesaid, shall also be liable in a civil action for all damages sustained by any person who has in any manner whatever been damaged by reason of such obstruction. . P0"? ¤¤d FSM Sec. 25. That any light, or power company doing} business within ggidldtyrgidnsihsi the limits of the Indian Territory, in compliance wit the laws of the °“’· United States that are now or may be in force therein, be, and the same are hereby, invested and empowered with the right of locating, constructing, owning, operating, using, and maintaining canals, reservoirs, auxiliary steam works, and a dam or dams across any nonnavigable stream within the limits of said Indian Territory, for the purpose of obtaining a sufficient supply of water to manufacture and generate water, electric, or other wer, light, and heat and to utilize and transmit and distribute sudho wer, light, and heat to other places for its own use or other individdals or corporations, and the right of locating, constructing, owning, operating, equipping, using, and maintaining the necessary pole lines and conduits for the purpose of transmitting and distributing such power, light, and heat to other places within the limits of said Indian Territory. q $c$° ’·°‘ That the right to locate, construct, own, operate, use, and maintain such dams, canals, reservoirs, auxiliary steam works, pole lines, and conduits in or through the Indian Territory, together with the right to acquire, by con cmnation, purchase or agreement between the parties, such land as it may deem necessary for the locating, constructing, owning, operating. using, and maintaining of such dams, canals, reservoirs. auxiliary steam works, pole lines, and conduits in or through any land held by any lndian tribe or nation, person, individual, corporation, or munici alitv in said indian Territory, or in or through any lands in said lndlian Territory which have been or may herea ter be allotted in severalty to any individual Indian or other person under any law or treaty, whether the same have or have not been conveyed to the allottee, with full power of alienation, is hereby _ granted to any company complying with the provisions of this Act: Q;] by Seem 5·qzvded, That the plurchase from and agreements with individual wry <·f 1¤¢¤ri<>r· Indians, where the rig t of alienation has not theretofore been granted _ by law, shall be subject to approval by the Secretary of the Interior. ,,e·QQ§;",§'f,"g*j,‘}fu,c‘_;{ In case of the failure of anvlii ht. or power company to make amicasmiwblewrlcmenr- ble settlement with any individiial owner, occupant, allottee. tribe, nation, corporation, or municipality for any lands or im rovements sought to be condemned or appropriated under this Act alljcompensation and damages to be paid to the dissenting individual owner, occupant. allottee, tribe, nation, corporation, or munici ality by reason of the appropriation and condemnation of said lands and) improvements shall _ be determined as provided in sections fifteen and seventeen of an Act of V°'·“’·*’P· "· "· Congress entitled "An Act to grant a right of way through Oklahoma