Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/170

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140 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1876. 1906. 'l"“”“°’*P'·’· the Interior may prescribe, may make certified copies of such records, rm. which shall be evidence equally with the originals thereof; but fees shall not be demanded for such authenticated copiesas may be required by officers of any branch of the Government nor for such unyeritied copies as such officer, in his discretion, may deem proper to furnish. Such fees shall be paid to bonded officers or employees of the Government, designated by the Secretary of the Interior, and the same or so much thereof as may be necessary may be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior for the purposes of this section, and any unexpended balance shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, as are other public moneys. _ Sel,;?Q’§$*$,t}‘§e$?y°l Sec. 9. The disbursements, in the sum of one hundred and eighty- six thousand dollars, to and on account of the loyal Seminole Indians, by James E. Jenkins, special agent appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, and by A. J. Brown as administrator de bonis non, under an Act of Congress approved May thirty-first, nineteen hundred, appropriating said sum, be, and the same are hereby, ratified and confirmed: mhu by ,m,i_ Hwided, That this shall not prevent any individual from bringing viduals mz mgm. suit in his own behalf to recover any sum really due him.

g{_§',°§'2,3_ That the Court of Claims is hereby authorized and directed to hear,

3 by C°“'* consider, and adjudicate the claims against the Mississippi Choctaws of the estate of Charles F. Winton, deceased, his associates and assigns, · for services rendered and expenses incurred in the matter of the claims of the Mississippi Choctaws to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation, and to render judgment thereon on the principle of quantum meruit, in such amount or amounts as may a pear equitable or justly due therefor, which judgment, if any, shall be paid from any funds now or hereafter due such Choctaws by the United States. Notice of such suit shall be served on the governor of the Choctaw Nation, and the Attorney-General shall appear and defend the said suit on behalf of said Choctaws. ,e,_l`,,jdb°§,*;°’;‘j,‘§;*,f,‘,”“,;*,; Sec. 10. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and secremy of Interior. directed to assume control and direction of the schools in the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, and Seminole tribes, with the lands and all school property pertaining thereto, March fifth, nineteen hundred and six, and to conduct such schools under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, retaining tribal educational officers, subject to dismissal by the Secretary of the Interior, and the present system so far as practicable, until such time as a public school system shall have been established under Territorial or State government, and pro er provision made thereunder for the education of the Indian chililren of ,_,_,l;j_j*,¤,*;;,lj,;{*i°¤ M said tribes, and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside a sufticient amount of an y funds, invested or otherwise, in the Treasury of the United States, belonging to said tribes, including the royalties on coal and asphalt in the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, to defray all the necessary expenses of said schools, using, however, only such portion of said funds of each tribe as mav be requisite for the schools of that tribe, not exceeding in any one year for the respective tribes the amount expended for the scholastic _ year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and tive; and he is fur- “pE:j;f,;fe"é°;SQg;_°‘ ther authorized and directed to use the remainder. if any. of the funds vm. 23. p. 1076. appropriated by the Act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and live, "for the maintenance, strengthening, and enlarging of the tribal schools of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole nations/’ unexpended March fourth, nineteen hundred and HER Of ¤¤¤>¤¤¤ fees- six, mcluding such fees as have accrued or may hereafter accrue under verge, p, an, the Act of Congress approved February nineteenth, nineteen hundred and three, Statutes at Large, volume thirty-two, page eight hundred and forty-one, which fees are hereby appropriated, in continuing such schools as may have been established, and in establishing such new