Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1647

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INDEX. (gxci Washirngtorn Sound, ctc., Wash., P¤8¤- Waukegan, Ill., Page ¤PR¤‘0P¤¤¢1<>¤ fm lighting ------.. I - 713, 1320 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 1102 Washington, Spa Spring and Grctta Razlroad acquiring site and erecting public building Cmgany, _ _ _ _ at, authorized ,, 779 may exten within District of Colum- appropriation for ... 792, 1305 _ bra, cond1tions,_etc.. -: - ._ .. 894 Waukuhay W{_,_’ _ W’a$h’*’”9¢°"* W68W"" Jwgwml D”t"*d» acquiring site for public building at, sm- Wwm <g court ¤gk?:>11¤¤g1¤¤¤=: ·--····--·--- 913 thormd. 784 as mmty, ., 8 ‘ ‘ ``````·-`````````°·°```° ¤h¤¤s~> of county Mt fmm Ubud CIM w wamggmpyfmu MT "```````'`'``'```` ·` M WmM,};‘*;j,'dg°,{°_§}*,;,t¥,g;*“°“ -·-···—--·-···- 5° limit br coat gucrmed, public building m Wgigulgtion restricggong removed ,..,_ , ,,..,. 361 Wayappmléuatlcn fm" `Q ''''’ ° `‘ 789’ 1305 nur apartment, . ., · °"°f’: ·z . . . appropriation for Washington Aqueduct, “·°‘l“m¤8 {ma for Public budding 8*, $¤· ~ etc ____________________________, 497,1135 th<>1j¤¤<?d --—--·---·-·----·--------- 782 for meters; repayment ,_,_,,,_,_,,,,.,, 513 $·PPmP“§·u0D f?!' ·-···- ; ·~·--~-·-·- ; · · - 794 for mmm __________________________ 514, 115,4 transfer of table sxrup stsmon, to Georgm. . 696 for general expenses 514, 1155 Weather Bureau, Depmmznz of Ag1-wulzurg, for extending system, installing meters, appro riation for salaries, ,,,__,,.,_,,__ 671, 1257 etc . 515, 1155 or iinel, lights, and repairs ... 671, 1258 for repayment to Holly Manufacturing for contingent eaépenses ..______,,,__ 671, 1258 W . HC01};5hauy . 515 for salaries of o cials outside of Washutcr yam , ington 672 appmpgatioln for removal from waters of 10 7 {or of station officials .._. 1258 ori a 8 or 0 er expenses .,,,,.,.,. •. , 672, 1258 Louisiana and Texas .. 1090 sale of publications ..,,_. 1258 Water Meters, o _ _ for_printing and binding 760, 1367 2. propnation or purc ase, ms ion, e cienc ap ro nation or ne exp f h tallat 1 d ii y p p f ge ral etc.; re yment . . . 5 3 penses ..,... . ,,,,,,.. 48,6611403 for installatioln, etc 1155 Wcatherstnne, James, Indian Allotteo, Water Side Drive, Kalomma Hmghts, D. C., fee—simp1e title to . 374

 to wrplerlpn Ianfufor opening . Wgatherstope, zag S., Indian Allottae,

`wayto ar road m . 855 ee-simpeti em . . ... 374 appropriation for r . . . 855 Wcathentmu Ralph, Indian Allatuc, Water supply of the United States, ‘ fee-simploititle to . 374 appropriation for in to &etot— W¤a¢haa¢mu,_W`dlimn I., Indian Allottee, mine; reports .. 'I28;1335 fee-simple title to . 374 Waurae Ri·ver,_S. C., - Webb Frank A., _ _ appropriation for improvement of e 1084 deficiency approprmtnon for sureties on Waterfowl, D. C., bond 0 29 restrictions oplahunting, etc 809 mb", Henry, Waters Ferry. ·, d rr "r' r r d in . 1393 bridge authorized across Perdido River at. 79 i ]4q,];t§:52:;?b3£g;0%;l;1;;r],$Sg.gT9 uu 0 nc W¢1¢¢T¢¢Yw" AT·¥¢'Wl» Mw-, i appropriation for marking boundary line op ¤>pri=»tio¤ for new ¤¤¤¤1¤i¤<>¤ ------·---- 464 I with canada under . 292 gf P8·$Y·91'¥\ SIW}? ---·---·-·--··-··—-~·--· 464 P Webster Oity, Iowa, T0! ¥·¤¤1¤P<>¤9·¤0¤ f¤¢i1iti¤¤ ··~·-·--·· 732, 13*0 ’ construction of public building authorized for noucomgrwignod ofHcor¤’ quwem - - mg i at . 777 f¤! firoproo P8 B °P¤ ·--~·--·-·····--·~ · * ‘ appro riution for ... *91,1305 _ pg; iqugidry improvement - Wpbgtgr, Lgary, {ndian Allotlre, I OT 95 1H mac 1¤¤ -·--·----------·- · lft t . ,.. . 381 wm·m~·,_ Ag { m'E§S§5{“l}.$.,}, ° " 0ld Public buddrrzg to b? taken down wd r acquiring site for public building at, aunew one bm t on site; materials 785 thorized __________________________ 782 8pPf¤PFi¤¥i0¤ for ----·-·-·---·———·—- 796v 1305 E appropriation for . . 795 PPM --------·-·······--· - ·—--·----·-- 1305 1 Webster, Moses. Indian Allottee, Wagmmm_ S_ Du];,, fewsimple title to .,,,, 380 acquiring site and erecting public build- Wepster, a., _ ing at, authorized .. 781 ‘ time extended for bridging Monongahela appropriation for ... 794. 1305 i W b gilvgr at . hl; ... 876 Wager; , W` ,, _ 2 star, i np, ian 4 {tec, Myquiizzg 5% for public building at, au· 84 fee~simple title to .. , ... . ., 357 thoriz .·..·»-------»-------- 7 Wbt _S'l , I d` All rc , appropriation for .~.-------------·----- 796 ioggim iglitiz .._,,,, 330 Waterrliet Arsenal, N. K, lwzbster, gophia, Indian Allottee, appropriation for electric motors IgA16g ; fee-simple title to . 381 OY lm mvqrrmnts. Qt}? --·····- · ······- r r Weights and Measures, D. C., NPGGJ ¤fpP1'0V¤¤{0H fw ori how: ---—·-·—-··- 1340 é regulations of sales of provisions, etc., Wa¢er11vays_ Covramwswn, fntqrfullwfull, __ i by ______________________________ 354 appropriation for continuing work of. . . 443, 1351 } not w be under actual weight O, megs_ " Wazurus," Steam Yacht, _ _ lll`?. ... . Y . 854 granted American register, coasting trade l berries, wegetables. and poultry exf(~,ybiddgp_ __________ , _,,___,,___,,, 799 cepted ..,..,.. . , .,,_,,._ R ,.,_ 316, 854 v01. xxxrv, rrr 1--—102